Kingston Innovation Network – virtual event – Events – Kingston University London

Kingston Innovation Network – virtual event

Time: 10.00am – 11.00am

Kingston Innovation Network - virtual event

Kingston Council will be joining forces with Kingston University and business support guru and Non-Executive Director at the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN), Roya Croudace, to establish an engagement forum for Kingston businesses designed to encourage innovation and collaboration.

The network will also provide an opportunity for sharing information on the programmes of support available through the Covid-19 crisis.

Join a panel of expert speakers online on 3 November to find out how your business can benefit:

Councillor John Sweeney, portfolio holder for Business and Sean Gillen, RBK Economic Development and Partnerships Lead will set the scene by providing a current snapshot of the local economy and outline future plans to encourage business recovery and build resilience.

Adele Roberts-Hunt, Head of Business Engagement at Kingston University will talk about the development of the Business Innovation and Growth programme. This brand new initiative brings together South London universities and businesses for the generation of ideas and innovation to boost productivity and growth, ultimately supporting those ideas into commercial reality. Adele will also outline a number of initiatives to support businesses such as:

Roya Croudace, specialist in the business support arena and currently a Non-Executive Director at the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) has a unique combination of experience in both private and public funded initiatives. Roya will speak about the current world of business support and funding options, an increasing trend for collaboration since Covid-19 and how this may support business recovery and growth.

This initial event will connect Kingston businesses and organisations, and stimulate ideas, innovation and the sharing of knowledge in order to make a positive impact on your business and the local economy.

The event will take place virtually on Microsoft Teams platform – further information will be shared by email to registrants about joining the event.

Booking is essential to attend this event.