Building organizational resilience, innovation through resource-based management initiatives, organizational learning and environmental dynamism

HOA DO is Research Fellow at Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, UK. His research revolves around the investigation of Strategic HRM/HPWS and innovation. His research interests also include HRM, resilience, social networks and internationalization with its focus on SMEs. His publications have appeared in the Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Review, International Small Business Journal, Journal of International Management and presented in leading international conferences such as the Academy of Management, British Academy of Management, and European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology.

PAWAN BUDHWAR is Professor of International HRM at Aston Business School in the United Kingdom. He has written over 80 articles in leading journals (such as Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Relations, and Organization Studies) on people management–related topics with a specific focus on India, and also written and/or coedited 11 books on HRM‐related topics. He is a Joint Director of the Aston India Centre for Applied Research, Joint Co‐Editor‐in‐Chief of British Journal of Management, an Associate Editor of Human Resource Management, an advisor to the Commonwealth Commission, a fellow of the Higher Education Academy and British Academy of Management, a chartered member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, and an academician of the Academy of Social Sciences.

HELEN SHIPTON is Professor of Human Resource Management and the Director of the Center of People, Work, and Organizational Practice, Nottingham Business School, UK (Aston Business School 2003 -2013). Helen’s current projects include investigating employee voice (in partnership with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) and the effect of reward on employee creativity (British Academy/ Leverhulme Trust). Helen recently coedited a book entitled Human Resource Management, Innovation, and Performance (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016) and has published in top journals such as Human Resource Management Journal, British Journal of Management, Human Resource Management, and Journal of Organizational Behavior.

BACH NGUYEN is a Senior Lecturer in Economics. His main research interest is understanding the economics and management of new ventures and small businesses. His research interest lies in several aspects of small businesses, including entrepreneurial financing, investment decisions, human resource management, and institutional settings on firm investment and performance. He currently serves as an Editor of Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies. His research appears in several leading journals, including Regional Studies, Small Business Economics, Journal of Small Business Management, Kyklos, Journal of Institutional Economics, International Journal of Finance & Economics, and Management & Organization Review. Before joining academia, he spent several years in the financial industry as a professional data analyst.