How to Submit Your SAP Innovation Awards 2021 Entry

You’ve heard it said too often by now – of how we are living in an unprecedented time.

Without a doubt, because of the current global pandemic, organizations are faced with numerous challenges that require resilience. But, these challenges should not be ignored nor shied away from. Imagine the creative and innovative solutions that can come from these imperatives!
That’s where you come in.
Leaders and their teams are tested to rethink new business realities, deliver more with less, provide best-in-class customer experiences, and create positive economic, environmental, or social impact to help their organization and the world run better.
The importance of innovation is exponential. It can also be inspirational.

Adaire Fox-Martin, a member of the Executive Board of SAP SE for Customer Success, recently made the official announcement for the SAP Innovation Awards 2021.

She encourages you, our SAP customers and partners, to consider participating in the SAP Innovation Awards and share your stories of inspiration and creativity:

.“The value of innovation has never meant more. SAP was founded on innovation and recognizing its role and promise is core to who we are.”

Deadline to Enter is February 1, 2021

One question that is often asked is about how to submit an Awards entry.

The SAP Innovation Awards 2021 is open to customers and partners using any SAP product or technology to drive innovation. Participating in the SAP Innovation Awards is a HUGE opportunity for your organization, team, and you to be recognized as an innovator.

For those of you who have not participated before, the SAP Innovation Awards are a comprehensive program that includes dedicated digital properties and promotion, regional activities, content opportunities, media, analyst, peer-to-peer engagement, and more.

The good news is that you have from now ‘til to submit your entry.

20 eligible winners will receive one (1) full SAPPHIRE NOW ticket OR a $1,000 charitable donation (if SAPPHIRE NOW is virtual) along with an SAP Innovation Awards trophy (one per winner).

Four Straightforward Steps To Enter

Feedback from past participants on submitting an entry is that it’s a very straightforward process. Many remark that a quick look at the FAQs is helpful before starting.

Recently, the SAP Innovation Awards team posted a brief (2:51 min) to walk through the four key steps:

  1. Check or Create Your Account
    Verify that you have an account. If you do not have one, click on the “create account” button to register before proceeding to the next step.
  1. Submit Your Entry
    Along with the Pitch Deck, you must also complete the online Entry Form with information about you (the participant) and your company. It includes promotional opportunities that you might like to participate in. Remember to upload your Pitch Deck in .PPT format, your company logo, an optional participant photo, and the participating SAP partner logo (if applicable.)

Be Part of a Greater Good

In honor of all participants, SAP will be “paying it forward” by donating $100 for each eligible entry up to $20,000 to the following charities/non-profits:

The Clock is Ticking!

Share your #SAPinnovation story.

Take advantage of the time between now and February 1.

The countdown is on!

Key Dates:
Entry Submission – Now ‘til Feb. 1, 2021
– Finalist Announced – March 17, 2021
– Winners Announced – April 14, 2021

Need help? Have a question? Contact the SAP Innovation Awards team.

Useful Links

  • 2020 winners | video
  • Join the conversation on Twitter with the hashtag: #SAPinnovation