ILCAL organizes webinar on rice straw innovation
UPLB partnered with the Interdisciplinary Life Cycle Assessment Laboratory (ILCAL) and Aston University in organizing a stakeholders’ workshop entitled “Rice Straw: Transforming Waste into Climate Solutions” last March 30.
The workshop involved discussions on how to transform rice straw, a known waste byproduct in rice production, into solutions that could help in the resolution of the global climate change issue.
Chancellor Jose V. Camacho, Jr. gave a short message, integrating the concept of the webinar with the United Nations Social Development Goals (SDG) of Affordable and Clean Energy, alongside Responsible Consumption and Production. Chancellor Camacho also relates the webinar with UPLB’s project, Accelerating Growth through One Research and Extension in Action (AGORA) specifically the goals of Resilience and Sustainability, Food Security and Sovereignty, and Future Communities and Institutions.
Hon. Paola Sherina Alvarez, Assistant Secretary in the Department of Finance, gave then next message, citing the importance of promoting solutions for climate change and aiding farmers and fisherfolk who are most affected by the challenges brought by this global phenomenon.
Mr. Craig Jamieson, Director of Straw Innovations, Ltd., started the workshop with a short history and breakdown of the current situation with regards to the Philippine rice farmers, and discussing the importance of his work to help the “pain points” in the industry.
Engr. Bernadette Magadia, Affiliate Associate Professor and UPLB Researcher discussed her study “Comparative carbon footprint analysis of conventional vs. low carbon rice production systems through life cycle assessment.” She discussed how proper rice straw management would play a significant role in lowering the overall Greenhouse Gas emissions in rice cultivation.
Dr. Vahid Ghorbani Pashakolaie, a Doctor of Philosophy in Energy Economics from Aston University in the UK, also discussed his study “Quantification and monetarization of benefits associated with bioenergy technologies -case of biogas from rice-straw in the Philippines.” His study aimed to provide solutions adapted towards the needs of each specific location to manage the rice straw sustainably and contribute to community development.
A Question-and-Answer portion was moderated by Dr. Rex Dimafeus, and ILCAL chairalso from UPLB. The open forum was followed by a synthesis given by Mr. Craig Jamieson.
Ms. Fides Marciana Tambalo, Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension gave the closing remarks, commending UPLB ILCAL for conducting this workshop, as well as the speakers for discussing timely and important topics. (Kristel Hope Villafuerte)
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