Secretary General Beng Choo Low: Athletes at the heart of WBSC’s continued innovation

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<p>After the incredibly difficult year that was 2020, this year 2021 we saw some return to normalcy in the world of sport. We celebrated <a href=””><strong>baseball </strong></a>and <a href=””><strong>softball</strong></a>’s long awaited and successful return to the Olympic Games and made great strides in the governance of our organisation. </p>
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<p>I first want to thank everyone who helped make Tokyo 2020 a success in these unprecedented times, especially the athletes who put aside the many challenges of a Covid-world to put on a great spectacle and make everyone proud of our sport and the individuals who practice it.</p>
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<p>It’s the athletes and those who are engaged with our sport at all levels who are the real stars of our game. And they are the key reason the WBSC continually strives to enhance and adapt its events, operations and programmes everyday; with a goal of increased participation and a safe and fair playing field.</p>
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<p>The Games would not have been possible without the unwavering commitment of the stars of our game, as well as the local organisers, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), all the volunteers and the dedicated teams from the WBSC and the Japan Baseball and Softball National Federations, who helped put on the Games and unite the world with sport. As I look back at the Games, I am proud of the key role our sport played in the overall success of Tokyo 2020 and how we as the WBSC showcased baseball and softball to the world. </p>
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<p>Over this last year, the WBSC made excellent progress to maintain integrity and good governance in our organisation. One of the main highlights of the year was the approval of Hybrid Congress and set term limits in this month’s <a href=””><strong>Extraordinary Congress</strong></a>, ensuring the WBSC can adapt to the current challenges of a Covid world while also aligning our statutes even closer to the Olympic Charter. </p>
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<p>Last year, we established the WBSC Integrity Unit to enhance fair play and transparency, protect athletes’ rights and promote inclusiveness, and further enhance governance. Earlier this year, the Integrity Unit launched its dedicated <a href=””><strong>homepage</strong></a> for sharing all integrity-related information and documents with our community as well as a new safeguarding campaign, #SafeCall, to serve and protect the rights and best interests of athletes. </p>
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<p>The #SafeCall campaign this year released two videos to share valuable information on harassment and abuse in sports, as well as discrimination. Moreover, the WBSC is participating in the first ever IOC Safeguarding Officer in Sport certificate program involving a dedicated staff and two members of the Athletes’ Commission to build the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to fulfil the role of Safeguarding Officer/focal point for our Confederation.</p>
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<p>Another achievement from the Integrity Unit was collaborating with the IOC on an online education course for all athletes and officials participating at the Olympic Games and a two-part series of educational webinars on the prevention of the manipulation of the competitions to help preserve the integrity of sport. </p>
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<p>We also released our Anti-Doping Education plan for the years 2021-24 in line with the WADA ISE (International Standards for Education) and conducted online webinars on anti-doping as part of our education programme in collaboration with the International Testing Agency (ITA). These webinars saw excellent participation across our five Continental Associations and help participants become familiar with the key rules in the code of conduct and the anti-doping code. </p>
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<p>Something very important to us is helping create a safer planet so that generations to come can enjoy baseball, softball, Baseball5 and all other sports. Which is why this year we joined the UNFCCC’s Sports for Climate Action initiative as a signatory to the Sports for Climate Action Framework. We are thrilled to be a part of this amazing initiative and reaffirmed our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint by setting the target of being carbon neutral by 2040. The WBSC has also adopted and published a very solid <a href=””><strong>strategy on Sustainable Development</strong></a> that will serve as a tool for our commitment toward the UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).</p>
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<p>All these initiatives fall under the umbrella of the 9 Strategic Goals, which form part of the WBSC’s new Strategic Plan. </p>
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<p>As this year comes to a close and we learn to adapt to this new way of life, my hope is that next year baseball, softball and Baseball5 will continue to bring us together as we continue to expand around the world. I want to thank everyone, especially the athletes and our members, who helped make this significant year so successful and for their continued commitment to growing baseball, softball and Baseball5 around the world. The year 2022 is sure to be even better with a full year of competition and it is safe to say the future is bright. I hope you all have a happy holiday season and New Year and that you all stay healthy and well.</p>
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<p class=”has-text-align-right”><strong>Beng Choo Low</strong></p>
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<p style=”background-color:#f8f5dd” class=”has-background”> <strong>Read More</strong>:<br>- <a href=””>End-of-the-year message from WBSC President to global baseball-softball community</a><br>- <a href=”″>Year In Review 2021</a><br>- <a href=”″>Year In Review 2020</a> <br>- <a href=”″>Year In Review 2019</a><br>- <a href=””>A Proud Olympic History and a Very Bright Future</a> <br>- <a href=””>The Game We Love</a> </p>
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