Unmet Needs – Leading to Innovation

InnovatioCuris & Indiattitude are pleased to announce the 4th edition of InnoHEALTH conference and a new landmark in healthcare innovations; InnoHEALTH 2019.This year’s theme is “Unmet Needs – Leading to Innovation”. Register Now

InnoHEALTH 2019 is the fourth in the series of InnoHEALTH annual conference, building on the success of previous InnoHEALTH conferences which saw over 1500 participants from over 19 countries. The conference will be conducted from October 4 – 5, 2019 in Taj Vivanta, Dwarka, New Delhi, India. Register Now

India is a country full of contradictions, have bullock carts to the dream of Chandrayan landing on moon. It is taking plunge towards new India trying to meet expectations of its 1.3 billion population. The present government is trying to push many initiatives to make India’s place in developed economies of the world.

The unmet needs of healthcare are many, can innovations leapfrog to achieve healthcare at optimum cost with improved quality. India has one bed per thousand population while WHO recommends 3.5 beds per thousand population; 70% rural population is served by only 30% medical assets like physicians, nurses, paramedics and hospital beds while 30% urban population has 70% medical resources.

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The emphasis today is on the curative medicine instead of public health and prevention of diseases. This trend needs to be reversed and more emphasis should be on Wellness and Prevention. The efforts have been started by the Prime Minister of India by launching Wellness centers in rural India, Swachh Bharat and Fit India to name a few but community participation is yet to reach its pinnacle to make these movements successful.

The problems of healthcare are known but the need of the time is solution of optimum cost to fix unmet needs in a time bound fashion. The political will is there to take Indian healthcare into new direction and to achieve desired results; the service providers and the community need to support it whole-heartedly.

India had launched many initiatives in the past like Health For All by 2000, National Rural Health Mission and is a part of Sustainable Development Goals. All initiatives were good but did not achieve the desired results since regular monitoring and impact analysis were missing. Every time a new initiative replaced an old one, with a new name though, it is like old wine in a new bottle.

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There are many challenges which should be converted into opportunities to achieve the targets set in the National Health Policy. These are to be achieved by the adoption of the right technology, legislating and enforcing new policies for benefit of have nots. The buzz word of INNOVATION is ringing but it has yet to reach its right place, we are far below in global innovation index. The disruptive, frugal innovations have to achieve the objective of Health For All – an old dictum. Biggest challenge is behavior modification of all sections of the society which needs correction by regular awareness programs and health check-ups in all organisations and institutions including schools and colleges. We all need to change our attitude towards our health to achieve the overall holistic health.

We are moving away from our old Indian values, leading into many unhealthy practices, while the western world has adopted Yoga from us, we have copied junk food from them. Let us pledge to move fast to meet our Unmet Needs to achieve Health For All missed in 2000.

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