The banking and financial services sector is on fire. Everywhere you turn, there is technological change, growing disruption and innovative rethinking of the fundamental business models on which the industry is based.
Questions abound: Which fintech startups will succeed and gain marketshare? When and how will Big Tech make their finance play? How fast will incumbent banks and financial services businesses adapt to the new realities in the marketplace?
For anyone working in the industry, the rapid pace of change only makes it harder to stay up to date on these issues and questions. I find it helps to tune into online influencers in the industry because they play an important role in filtering information and surfacing valuable analysis and insight.
So, I’ve compiled a list of 101 influencers in banking innovation that are worth following on Twitter for their insights and content curation. You’ll find notes on the methodology I used for compiling the list is at the end of this article.
On October 9-11, 2018 I will attend BAI Beacon in Orlando, FL. This year’s program features extensive programming related to banking innovation, including presentations by winners of the BAI Global Innovation Awards. Two of the top banking innovation influencers listed below, Jim Marous and JP Nicols, will also be presenting at BAI Beacon among a powerhouse line-up of speakers.
Visit the BAI Beacon site to register now.
101 global influencers in banking innovation
Brett King | @BrettKing | New York + 30,000 feet
Bradley Leimer | @leimer | San Francisco, CA
Jim Marous | @JimMarous | Cleveland, OH
Chris Skinner | @Chris_Skinner | ÜT: 51.511924,-0.22414
Jim Bruene | @netbanker | Seattle
Ron Shevlin | @rshevlin |
Yann Ranchere | @tek_fin | Around the world
David M. Brear | @davidbrear | London
Dave Birch | @dgwbirch | Woking, the last not-Smart City
JP Nicols | @JPNicols | Seattle
Matt Dooley | @mattldooley | Hong Kong / London / Melbourne
Stessa Cohen | @stessacohen | inside my head
Devie Mohan | @devie_mohan | London | Amsterdam
Sebastien Meunier | @sbmeunier | New York, USA
Aden Davies | @aden_76 | Sheffield
Erin McCune | @erinmccune | San Francisco
Dave Maddox | @thinkpayments | Atlanta
Huy Nguyen Trieu | @Huynguyentrieu | London
Pascal Bouvier | @pascalbouvier | Washington, DC
Nasir Zubairi | @naszub | Luxembourg, London
Nick Bilodeau | @FinMKTG | Toronto and Singapore
Simon Cocking | @SimonCocking | Dublin, Ireland
Andra Sonea | @andrasonea | London
Roberto Ferrari | @ferrarirobtweet | Milan – Italy
Anne Boden | @AnneBoden | London
Lars Markull | @LarsMarkull | Berlin, Germany
James Gardner | @bankervision | iPhone: 51.506790,-0.118861
Florian Graillot | @FGraillot | Paris, France
Jason Bates | @JasonBates | London / Rutland
Frank Schwab | @FrankJSchwab | Germany
John Waupsh | @waupsh | Austin, TX
Deva Annamalai | @bornonjuly4 | Atlanta, GA
Don Tapscott | @dtapscott | Toronto, Miami, Airplanes
Alessandro E. Hatami | @ahatami | London, Europe
Daniel Gusev | @dngusev | International
Thomas Power | @thomaspower | London, England
Bruce Burke | @PAY_Symposium | Miami, FL
Aaron McPherson | @aaronmcpherson | Maynard, MA
Theo Lau | @psb_dc | Washington, DC
Shamir Karkal | @shamir_k | Portland, Oregon
Daryl Wilkinson | @BarbellsnBytes | United Kingdom
Matthias Kroener | @Kroener_M | Munich
Faisal Khan | @babushka99 | Istanbul, Turkey
Phil Allen | @philballen | London ting, innit.
Jim Perry | @mi_jim | Chicago, IL
Todd Ablowitz | @paymentsexpert | Centennial, CO
Tolga Tavlas | @ttavlas | Wien- Austria
Richard Gendal Brown | @gendal | Wapping, London, UK
Nigel Walsh | @nigelwalsh | London
Carol Realini | @carolrealini | √úT: 52.342857,4.891225
Guy Kawasaki | @GuyKawasaki | Silicon Valley, California
Boris Janek | @electrouncle | Düsseldorf
Tom Blomfield | @t_blom | London
Vitalik Buterin | @VitalikButerin | Earth
Brian Roemmele | @BrianRoemmele | transcendence
Andrew Johnson | @andrewrjohnson | New York, NY
taavet hinrikus | @taavet | worldwide
Giles Andrews | @zopagiles | London
James Moed | @jamesmoed | √úT: 51.544101,-0.078533
Sean Park | @parkparadigm | Europe
Peter Aceto | @PeterAceto | Canada
Patti Hewitt | @PaymentGal | Savannah, GA
Ian Kar | @iankar_ |
Alex Bray | @StGilesResident | St. Giles, London
Salil Ravindran | @TimesRGud | Bengaluru, India
Yoni Assia | @yoniassia | eToro
Drew Sievers | @DSievers | San Francisco, CA
Dan Kimerling | @dkimerling | SF
Nick Hungerford | @nickhungerford | London
Michael Casey | @mikejcasey | New York
Marleen van Kammen | @MvKtweeter | San Francisco, CA
Hiten Shah | @hnshah | Northern California
Annalie Killian | @maverickwoman | New York, USA
Jin Kang | @JinZwicky | Singapore, Switzerland, Korea
Gustavo Vinacua | @gvinacua | madrid
Bill Gajda | @BillGajda |
Niche Banking | @nichebanking |
Aillene Ruby | @AilleneRuby | New York, USA
Wade Coleman | @wadec2 | Atlanta
Christophe Langlois | @Visible_Banking | London
Jack Gavigan | @JackGavigan | London, UK
Shaun Weston | @ShaunWestonWork | Bath, England
Aman Narain | @amanwhotweets | Singapore
Claire Calmejane | @ccalmeja | London
Andrew Sametz | @ItsPaid | New York
Nadeem Shaikh | @nrshaikh | London
Jeff Lynn | @jeffseedrs | London
William Deckers | @WilliamDeckers | Brussels
Jake Chambers | @mrjake74 | England, United Kingdom
Matt Oppenheimer | @matt_oppy | Seattle, WA
Michael Bilton | @michael_bilton | Liverpool, England
Peggy Mangot | @peggymangot | San Francisco
Paul Vigna | @paulvigna | New York, NY
Peter Diamandis | @PeterDiamandis | iPhone: 34.060616,-118.444359
Joan Anton | @nietotalarn | Belgium
Maarten Korz | @korz | iPhone: 52.101395,5.106135
Oliver Lauer | @mobinauten | Cologne, Germany
José María Fuster | @fusterjosemaria | Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid
Arkady Fridman | @afridman |
Mark Shaw | @paymentality | London
Oliwia Berdak | @OliwiaBerdak | London
Notes on how I compiled this list
There are many tools and methods available for discovering and compiling influencer lists. For this list, I used a third-party product called Little Bird and search the term “banking innovation”. The results were sorted by “personal” and “organizational” accounts and the latter were not included in this list.
There is considerable overlap between this list and some others that I have published on related topics, including my annual Fintech Influencers to Follow list, though there are also some names that do not appear on both lists.
Finally, I have not numbered the list, though it is presented in order of ranking, based on a proprietary algorithm in the social analytics software. I caution readers not to read too much into the specific order of appearance in the list, though there is naturally some correlation between ranking order and size and engagement of each influencer’s online audience.