4 Steps to Build Teams That Champion Innovation at Your Company > CEOWORLD magazine

Many companies tout strategic innovation initiatives on their annual reports, yet how many are making real headway? True innovation takes time, and it’s often not a linear process. To succeed, you need champion teams that form innovative solutions.

What Are Champion Teams?

Champion teams are designated by leadership to drive innovative processes. These teams can be tasked with finding innovative solutions, new products, technological adoptions, or even different ways to connect with stakeholders.

Strong teams consist of three to five people with different roles in the company — they’re typically volunteers who take on the project in addition to their normal work. Diversity of thought is vital to the team’s success, so it’s best to have people from various departments, management levels, and skill sets. The most important factor is that each team member cares about the problem or solution.

For an example of a successful champion team, let’s look at Ameren’s Accelerator program. Ameren’s main goal is to help startups with innovative ideas, technology, or solutions. When it finds a startup to assist, the accelerator builds a champion team of four to five Ameren employees. The team meets with the startup once a week to advise, teach, make connections, and explore possible pilots or trials. Most importantly, the champion team establishes relationships that will last well beyond the program.

Ameren provides the startup with expertise, knowledge, and connections. In turn, the startup provides Ameren with new energy, ideas, and relationships. And the champion team? It’s able to view solutions through an entrepreneurial lens and learn something new to bring to the company.

Setting Up Successful Champion Teams

If you want sustainable innovation, then implement champion teams now. They provide the best support for long-term innovative solutions. They also re-energize the company, foster increased engagement, and encourage collaboration. Here are four ways to integrate champion teams in your company:

If you want your company to take innovation seriously, look to internal champion teams. Fill the teams with a diverse group of natural leaders, and celebrate every victory. When you champion your champions, you’ll see innovative success.

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