5G: The Driving Force Behind Industry Collaboration and Innovation

It all started with three letters: GSM. Then came 2G, which is here to stay, then 3G, slowly phased out by the new generation of Gs, 4G. And then 5G was promised. And now we get to see how it lives up the expectation, as it is slowly becoming a reality, coming out of research labs and finding its way into our lives.

One thing is for sure: 5G will lead the technological revolution in the coming years, and it’s bound to change industries in unforeseen ways. No one knows exactly what the leading 5G services will be, and that’s why co-operation between companies, startups, operators, and researchers is crucial in finding out what the future looks like. They are in the process of figuring out together how best to utilize it, creating cross-industrial bonds and multi-faceted solutions. Revolution is happening as we speak.

The key features of 5G are high capacity, low latency, and the ability to connect a massive number of IoT sensors to the network. In addition, compared with the previous network generations, the 5G network makes it possible to implement tailored web services for different needs. All in all, 5G has been designed for a much more versatile use than the previous GSM generations, offering even more advanced ways to connect with humans, devices, and systems for enhanced efficiency and communication.

Use-cases vary from transportation, health care, remote control of equipment, smart buildings, media, and the list goes on.  Self-driving cars, remote operations, real-time VR solutions, streaming without latency – what a time to be alive. And as operators are at the forefront of showcasing new technologies and making them tangible, they are driving collaboration by creating a supportive ecosystem for 5G-related solutions. And that means looking for ideas outside of their organization as well.

Telia Lab is a good example of such initiative, powered by Telia Finland, bringing 5G to life in the region. Its scope is in digital services and applications, especially in media and 5G, including IoT, AR/VR and AI. They search for new ideas from the startup field, other companies, universities and within Telia. Telia Lab offers collaboration and support by providing access to R&D, funding, office space, marketing and sales.

Join us at Arctic15’s 5G Track by Telia Lab on 5-6 June in Helsinki and have a sneak peek on what the future holds.

Speakers include Christian Guttmann, Chief AI & Data Scientist, Tieto, Janne Neuvonen, CEO, Bcaster, Roy Gunter, Mobility Ventures, Marko Suvanto, Head of Telia Lab and Mika Raitola, Innovation Manager, Telia Finland, moderated by Gemma Milne, Science & Technology Writer, Forbes.

Get your tickets here.

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