60 Minutes Innovation Management with Magnus Penker – Innovation Consultant | Innovation 360 | Home Of Innovation

Magnus Penker is an internationally renowned thought leader on innovation, digitization, and business transformation. He has spoken at prestigious global forums and events including the Global Peter Drucker Forum, top-ranked international business schools, a variety of associations, and some of the world’s largest companies.

He has been honored with two Business Worldwide Magazine awards for his achievements, the “Most Innovative CEO Sweden 2016” and “Growth Strategy CEO of the Year Sweden 2016” awards. Additionally, he has launched ten startups and has acquired, turned around, and sold more than thirty European SMEs.

Through his best-selling American books on digitization and IT engineering, and his more than twenty years of experience as a management consultant and business leader, Mr. Penker inspires leaders to find a new way of thinking and organizing to stay on top.

For the past eight years, he has used his practical and theoretical insights to develop InnoSurvey, a leading methodology and global innovation database that is used for business analysis and support to companies, business leaders, and scientists around the world. Today, Mr. Penker is the CEO and founder of the Innovation360 Group, headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and New York in the United States.

Mr. Penker is driven by the recognition that in these turbulent times, we must understand our core strengths and determine how we can use those capabilities and competencies to create advantages in a globalized market with endless possibilities. The global map is being redrawn at speeds never before seen, and historically low interest rates are attracting capital to global digital-risk projects that will further strengthen this movement.

Mr. Penker has a BSc in Computer Science (CTH, Sweden) and an MBA from the Henley Business School, England.