6th joint call for proposals to foster cooperation between Quèbec and the Nordic countries in the areas of culture, society, and research and innovation

The Government of Québec and the Nordic Council of Ministers invite you to submit an application for financial support to carry out a co-operation project in the fields of culture, society, and research and innovation between Québec and the Nordic countries.

The deadline has been extended to December 9th 2022


The joint call for proposals between the parties seeks to:

  • Promote sustainable development and a green transition in each region, taking into account the cultural, social, environmental and/or territorial factors of the projects;
  • Encourage exchanges between the two regions by fostering knowledge to respective entity’s cultural presence;
  • Promote co-creation and co-dissemination of artworks and cultural products, namely through exchange programmes involving artists, directors and authors, the holding of public events and the development of partnerships between cultural institutions on both sides;
  • Favour a better mutual understanding through the consolidation of networks and sharing of expertise;
  • Promote cooperation between researchers in targeted fields of interest on both sides



Cultural projects meeting these criteria will be prioritized:

  • Encourage collaborations, physical or virtual, notably through the exchange of artists, companies, businesses, directors and authors as well as through the holding of events with an impact in the collectivity; 
  • Promote the co-creation and co-dissemination of cultural works and products in which all partners will be entirely involved;
  • Foster a better mutual understanding through the consolidation of networks and the dissemination of cultural expertise as well as through the development of partnerships between cultural institutions on both sides;
  • Support projects for the promotion and dissemination of indigenous cultural events, as 2022 marks the beginning of the  UNESCO’s International Decade of Indigenous Language.

Cultural projects are to be rooted in artistic disciplines, such as (without being limited to):

  • Performing arts (dance, music, circus, theatre, etc)
  • Audiovisual sector
  • Literature and publishing
  • Visual and digital arts


In order to be admissible for a grant from the Government of Québec, the projects must be submitted by Canadian citizens or permanent residents living in Québec.

Projects must:

  • Involve at least two institutions and/or stakeholders from two different Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and/or Åland Islands) and one Québec partner;
  • Begin at the earliest in January 2023;
  • Be submitted as a complete application file both at the Nordic Council of Ministers (for the Nordic partners) and the ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie du Québec (for the Québec partner);
  • Respect the application submission deadline –applications received after November 28th 2022 at 23h59 will not be considered. NB! The deadline has been extended to December 9th

READ MORE & APPLY HERE >>> (link opens on another site)

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