This Week’s Trending Topics – Television, Innovation and Mobile Technology – Booming Encore

This Week’s Trending Topics – Television, Innovation and Mobile Technology

Welcome to this week’s top trending topics.

This week’s topics all seem to revolve around technology.

We discover the risks of watching too much television, learn about a retiree who is innovating in his retirement and also look at how baby boomers are using mobile technology.

Have a read!

Reasons To Back Away From The Television Screen

Would it surprise you to know that the average retiree watches 48 hours of television a week? And this is not coming at a cost. There are actually some significant health risks associated with too much television watching. Learn more here.

Innovator In Retirement

Do you think that innovation is only for the young? Well think again. This retiree is not only turning the art world on it’s head by using a totally different method for creating his art but also teaching us some life lessons in the process. Watch what he is doing here.

Technology Is Going Mobile – But Will Baby Boomers Follow?

As technology continues to advance and more things become mobile, often people think that baby boomers are not keeping up. This is not at all the case. It’s just how the accept and use the technology is different. You can read this post here.

And here’s Our Thought For The Week;

For more daily information and inspiration to live your best booming encore – be sure to join us on Twitter and Facebook and also be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Have a great week everyone!