Training in Agricultural Innovation Systems!

At the end of January 2024, 16 young researchers from the One Planet Fellowship Programme met in Uganda to take part in a training module entitled ” Participatory methods and action research for innovation in livelihoods and agricultural systems in a context of climate change “. THIS MODULE IS THE RESULT OF A NEW COLLABORATION BETWEEN MAKERERE UNIVERSITY (KAMPALA) AND AGROPOLIS FONDATION, WITH TECHNICAL SUPPORT FROM AGRINATURA AND ICRA AS PART OF THE ONE PLANET FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME. For over 2 weeks, the 16 participants, from 9 African countries, joined 8 other PhD students from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences from Makerere University (Kampala). After a methodological review, focusing in particular on participatory methods and research action, participants went out into the field for the main part of the training course, in Mityana province. A substantial amount of fieldwork and surveys was carried out with farmers on the historical, topographical, agronomic and economic aspects of their farms. Working in groups, participants then compiled the data to draw up a typology of farming systems observed in the region. Highlight of this training? The feedback to the surveyed farmers and the local stakeholders! It was a day filled with lots of information sharing on both sides, which enabled participants to broaden their thinking on the challenges involved in integrating innovation into farming systems for small-scale farmers. At the end of the day, the module participants were able to put this in-depth work into perspective with their own research projects, focusing on the challenges of climate change. Beyond capacity building, this was another opportunity to strengthen and expand the One Planet Fellowship network, by integrating students and academic stakeholders from Makerere University. « I am coming back home more determined than ever ! » said Kalenga Banda, one of the One Planet Fellowship laureates, lecturer at the University of Zambia. A francophone version of this training is currently under preparation with the University of Parakou, Benin.