Christine Lee-Wilson Receives the McKesson Innovation East Region Award
During the Annual ideaShare meeting, McKesson hosted their third annual luncheon in honor of Women in Pharmacy. Our very talented board member and a CARE member since 2016, Christine Lee-Wilson was recognized during the luncheon. Christine received an award for her accomplishments as a pharmacy owner and advocate in her community. Also during the luncheon there were some very interesting facts brought to our attention. One we already knew, the challenges women in pharmacy or any field has, trying to balance the responsibilities of work and home/children. The other was the gender pay discrepancy that remains.
While pharmacy has the smallest pay gap for women compared to other occupations, female pharmacists are still paid 82 cents to the dollar for men. Despite the fact there are currently more women graduating from pharmacy school than men, women still own a much smaller percentage of pharmacies. There are also more women than men in part-time positions, most likely due to the balancing of work with home/children.
CARE is extremely proud to have one of our female member/owners receive the McKesson Innovation East Region Award for her accomplishments in the pharmacy field.
Please congratulate Christine Lee- Wilson from Professional Pharmacy for her hard work and dedication to the pharmacy profession.
East Region Winner – Innovation Award
Christine Lee-Wilson
Professional Pharmacy
- She participated in the P3 Program®, where specially trained pharmacist coaches apply a model of care that provides step-by-step guidance in medication adherence, lifestyle changes and self-care skills
- Her pharmacy offers a variety of clinical services including anticoagulation management, vaccinations, medication adherence, compounding, fertility, and MTM
- Christine was the pharmacotherapy management supervisor for XLHealth and had a team of 12 pharmacists responsible for telephonic MTM
- She received her Minority Business Enterprise Program state certification in Maryland, which allows her to have more visibility with contracts across the state