Early-Stage Capital Investments Will Unlock $430 Million for Innovation Sector in Atlantic Canada | Financial Post

Prominent Investors Arriving in Halifax for NACO Atlantic Funding Founders Summit September 16-18, 2019.

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia — Atlantic Canada has been tapped by the Startup Genome Project as one of the new emerging life sciences innovation centres. As an emerging innovation centre, the region has the potential to unlock $430 million in early-stage capital investment. This early-stage capital will support high growth companies to remain in Atlantic Canada and will help contribute to economic diversification, job creation, and new opportunities for aspiring young people.

Other regions that have successfully scaled their early-stage entrepreneurial ecosystem include Northern Ontario, where the most successful angel investment group in North America resides. The Northern Ontario Angels, a group of investors, have invested over $130M into Canadian entrepreneurs. On a per capita basis, equivalent to unlocking $430 million in Atlantic Canada, and $6.9 billion in capital across the country. This kind of early-stage ecosystem support and investment potential is very realistic for Atlantic Canada to realize given the growth of the innovation sector.

NACO, Canada’s National Angel Capital Organization, is bringing prominent angel investors together this Fall to share their insights on how entrepreneurs in Atlantic Canada can be better supported. The first annual NACO Atlantic Funding Founders Summit takes place in Halifax September 16-18, 2019. Angel investors and entrepreneurs from across the Atlantic region and the rest of Canada will gather to learn, network, and strategize. The event, in partnership with Invest Atlantic is uniquely focused to unlock the entrepreneurial potential of Atlantic Canada.

“This influx of investors into Atlantic Canada is a reflection of the excitement that is building around untapped potential in the region, which has a life sciences sector that is recognized by the Startup Genome Project as an ecosystem to watch,” said NACO CEO, Claudio Rojas. “To have world-class investors from across Canada cluster around the region’s entrepreneurs provides an opportunity for renewed economic growth and prosperity. This is just the beginning.”

“Our vision is a conference that recognizes and takes action on Atlantic Canada’s enormous entrepreneurial potential,” said Bob Williamson, Founding Partner at Invest Atlantic. “The ecosystem necessary to capitalize on this potential relies on educating and developing investors and entrepreneurs. This is why Invest Atlantic and NACO have come together to deliver this event”.

Several prominent personalities in the investor community will be sharing success stories that speak to the potential for greater access to capital in the region. Confirmed speakers at NACO Atlantic include:

Over the course of the three-day event, attendees will learn both investor and entrepreneurial best practices. For more information and to register for the NACO Atlantic Funding Founders Summit, visit www.naco.global.

For media inquiries or to arrange an interview, contact: [email protected].

High resolution photo, available for download here (Photo caption: Claudio Rojas, CEO at NACO and Bob Williamson, Founding Partner at Invest Atlantic).

About NACO:

NACO is the National Angel Capital Organization. Over nearly 20 years, NACO has emerged as the bedrock of Canada’s entrepreneurial and innovation economy and a national platform for regional inclusion and local connectivity. NACO represents a growing membership of over 4000 angel investors, incubators, and accelerators as they help Canadian entrepreneurs turn good ideas into great businesses. Over the past nine years, our members have made investments in 1472 companies totalling more than $853.3M of direct investments, resulting in the creation of 7700 Canadian jobs. As a national platform, NACO enables collaboration, partnership opportunities and faster access to Canada’s innovation ecosystem.

About NACO Atlantic Summit:

NACO Atlantic, Funding Founders is an event for those who believe in the potential of Atlantic Canada. In partnership with Invest Atlantic, this summit brings angel investors, technology leaders, and government representatives from across both the region and the country to Halifax on September 16-18th, 2019. With a theme focused around leveraging both angel capital and non-dilutive funding to optimize growth, NACO Atlantic 2019, Funding Founders aims to advance economic prosperity and investment in the region. Learn more at www.naco.global.