Bega Valley Innovation Hub opens ‘pop-up’ store in Sapphire Marketplace | Bega District News

Bega Valley Innovation Hub opens ‘pop-up’ store in Sapphire Marketplace

NEW STORE: Bega Valley Innovation Hub manager Mia Maze, her son Xavier Maze - who is keen for the gaming and coding classes to begin at the pop-up store - and Saarinen Organic's Kay and Gregg Saarinen.

A pop-up store featuring established and emerging businesses from the Far South Coast has been installed in Bega’s Sapphire Marketplace.

The Bega Valley Innovation Hub’s “pop-up hub” will showcase the companies that have been part of the hub so far and provide shoppers the chance to buy locally-made products and join in workshops.

“The whole idea is people can come in to meet the founders, manufacturers, innovators and game changers,” hub manager Mia Maze said.

“People can also ask about what the innovation hub is, what it means to them and how they can become involved in the next program in March 2020.”

She said the store also provided the chance for businesses to engage with customers face-to-face, to get feedback on what they were offering.

Winner of the final pitch for the hub’s second cohort Sea Health Products will be selling seaweed hand soaks, gift packs, seaweed sprinkles and will hold seaweed tastings.

Natural Chicken Health will sell chicken super mash, Festival Director (which has been relaunched as Events Lab) will showcase its event management software, the Eden Game Development Centre will run game development workshops and walk-in game events for those aged over 10, and the Back Pain Recovery Kit’s Dinah Facius will hold back pain and yoga workshops.

On Tuesday, the winner of the final pitch for the hub’s first cohort, natural skin care business Saarinen Organics, was setting up its products for sale.

Founders Kay and Gregg Saarinen have launched a new brand of their business called Ecoo, which is aimed towards teenagers and as part of their launch will hold competitions and pimple care and skin consultation workshops for teens at the pop-up store.

Ms Saarinen said the store was a fantastic way to test and measure the market without a commitment to a full-blown lease and she was grateful for the opportunity.

“People are in a busy mood when they go to a market, but I find in shopping centres people are more into the shopping experience so are more into talking,” she said.

She said eco, sustainable businesses are now popular, which was a change from when they first began their enterprise.

“Eleven years ago eco was frowned upon, it was still considered very ‘hippy’, while now it’s almost mainstream,” Ms Saarinen said.

“I think it’s because people are becoming more aware of climate change and can see its effects.

“With social media, you’re seeing an ocean or river in another country that’s completely choked with plastic; we can see the horribleness of how animals can be treated – it’s more out there.”

The pop-up hub will be open during the standard hours for the Sapphire Marketplace. Visit the store to learn when the workshops will run.

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