Graduate Fellow Opportunities at Center for Innovation in Social Work & Health (CISWH) with The Catalyst Center

All positions pay $15 per hour and are open to MSW, MPH, and MSW/MPH students.

Catalyst Graduate Fellow Roles and Responsibilities

The Catalyst Center is the National Center for Health Insurance and Financing for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN). As a student fellow, you can help expand the work and impact of the Catalyst Center by supporting our bi-yearly data collection and research project. The goals of the Catalyst Center are to: promote universal, continuous, and affordable coverage for all CYSHCN; close benefit and financing gaps; promote payment for additional services; and build sustainable capacity to promote financing of care.

The position is for 10 hours per week ideally beginning in mid-January through May 2020. Under the direction of the Program Manager and Project Director the fellow will support key initiatives such as the in-depth state financing interviews. CISWH offices are on the BU MED/Public Health campus but some hours may be completed remotely.

The fellow’s duties will include:

Assisting in the preparation on background research documents from secondary sources to inform and guide our interview process

Coordinating the receipt of audio records, sending to transcription partner, organizing transcripts, and reviewing for accuracy and errors

Supporting the scheduling of interviews with state partners via Catalyst’s shared email

Literature reviews, formatting PowerPoint presentations and other materials, and other research-related tasks as needed

Supporting logistics for webinars

Other administrative tasks as needed such as note taking, or scheduling conference rooms


• The student cannot work more than 20 hours a week at any combination of BU based positions including work-study. Please notify the hiring manager if you have another paid job through the university.

• The student will track hours and share them with their supervisor weekly

• The student will be available for a minimum of five hours a week during 9-5 business hours to work on site at the crosstown building. The remaining 5 hours a week may be worked remotely with approval from the supervisor.

• The student will email professionally as a representative of the Catalyst Center, and in a manner aligned with our IRB protocol

• The student must completing Human Subjects Research certification

In you are interested in the position please email your resume to: [email protected] [email protected] and

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