We Teach Languages Episode 129: Language Policy and Innovation in Scotland with Lynne Jones and Louise Whyte
In episode 129, Stacey interviews Lynne Jones and Louise Whyte. Lynne is a Professional Development Officer at SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages where she supports pre- and in-service teachers across Scotland to develop their languages pedagogy. Louise also worked at SCILT until May 2019, and now is Principal Teacher Languages at St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary in Glasgow and the Chair of the Scottish Association for Language Teaching (SALT). In this episode, Lynne and Louise explain the 1+2 languages policy in Scotland and the teaching innovations that ensure that all students will know at least three languages by the end of their compulsory schooling.
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Show Notes
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Lynne has been a Professional Development Officer at SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages since 2012. Her role involves supporting pre- and in-service teachers across Scotland to develop their languages pedagogy. She is a qualified and experienced primary teacher, having worked in educational settings in Scotland, England and France. Her undergraduate degree was in French and Spanish. Her current doctoral studies at the University of Strathclyde focus on supporting teacher learning. You can reach out to Lynne on Twitter @Lynne_SCILT, on the SCILT website , or by email: [email protected]
Louise Whyte is Principal Teacher, Languages @STA_Mod_Langs, @StThomasAqSec, & Chair of @SALTLANGS. You can find her on Twitter @LouiseWhyte80.
Useful links regarding Scotland’s Languages Policy are…
…National Framework for Languages
Case study of Espacios Increíbles, interdisciplinary project involving Spanish, Design Technology Architecture and Learning for Sustainability
Resources mentioned by Stacey…
…Read this article: Once Students Were Punished for Speaking Spanish. Here, They Are Honored.
“The director of the Spanish spelling bee, David Briseño, grew up in New Mexico where his Spanish-speaking parents were convinced that teaching their children the language would hold them back. His parents, he says, were belittled, spanked or could have their mouths washed out with soap if teachers caught them speaking their native language. Many people don’t like to talk about this painful history, but another school administrator at the spelling bee tells me the same thing happened to her parents. At last year’s bee, José Reyes, a bilingual instructor from Gadsden Independent School District in New Mexico, told me that a teacher punished him for speaking in Spanish. He went to school in El Paso, Texas, in the ’60s and ’70s.” “I used Spanish and I remember her taking me to the sink in the corner and washed my mouth with Borax, with soap. And she said, ‘You won’t use this language again.’”
…This is not a historical problem. This article from 2012 describes how a girl was punished for speaking an indigenous language at school: Catholic Diocese apologizes for Wisconsin student punished over speaking in family’s Native American language at school
…Learn more about forcing colonial languages on indigenous people on the Facing History and Ourselves website.
…English only: The movement to limit Spanish speaking in the US
…Man threatens to call ICE on Spanish-speakers in a public space
…Episode 78 of the Allusionist describes how students in Scotland have traditionally been punished for speaking their native language in school.
…Scots Gaelic is near extinction, but the Scottish government is working to reverse that decline. .
…Do you want to hear an example of Scotts Gaelic spoken today? There are lots of examples on YouTube!
…Also, here is an entire dissertation on the Highland Clearances and their echo in the public sphere that I very much enjoyed perusing!
If you want to hear more about language policy and preservation, check out this previous episode…
…Episode 71: Indigenous Language Preservation and Revitalization with Aliana Parker
…Episode 24: Advocacy, the Seal of Biliteracy, and Steps We Can All Take with Amanda Seewald
…Episode 63: An Introduction to the Seal of Biliteracy with Linda Egnatz