Five Podcasts That Will Help You Stay Relevant, Gain the Advantage and Win: In Other Words Be More Human in an Age of Technology Take-over – Innovation Excellence

I often get asked questions such as, “How do I add value now that this software can do part of my job?” or “is there a role for me now that Artificial Intelligence is taking over the world?” My answer is always this:

“You could find yourself on the fast path to irrelevancy or you can adapt, elevate your game, and leverage the digital disruption that’s inevitable in all our worlds — all you have to do is be more human. The choice is yours.”

And to make it easier once you make the choice to be more human in the age of digital disruption, here are 5 podcasts that will help you separate yourself from the pack, stand out in a cluttered world, and deliver tremendous value in your work and life.

Hidden Brain: The most powerful tool we have is right between our ears yet most of us have zero idea how to truly use it. Not because we aren’t intelligent, but because that intelligence happens by magic behind the black curtain. But, as Hidden Brain shows us, the real power is in understanding how this magical gelatinous thing works. Hidden Brain by NPR helps you understand unconscious patterns that shape your human behavior, your choices, and direct your relationships. Recently I listened to the episode Emotional Currency.

Inside LaunchStreet with Tamara Ghandour:  In the age of digital disruption, Tamara reminds us that our greatest competitive advantage is to be more human. At the forefront of human-centered innovation, Tamara will help you unlock the key to gaining the competitive advantage through the power of innovation so you can perform at your peak, ignite innovation, and have a strong, valued voice in the world. A combination of neuroscience, behavioral psychology, 25 plus years of experience brought together in a really personal, tangible and accessible to all kind of way. I’m a little biased on this one of course. Recently, I listened to the episode How To Get Unstuck.

The Moth: A collection of real-life stories told without notes that will fill you with hope and connection. Short, poignant, and powerful, the stories presented on The Moth range from love and regret to passion and opportunity. They will make you feel deeply connected to humanity in a way Facebook, Instagram, and texting simply can’t. I love The Moth because, in a time where the news is dominated by negativity and the latest and greatest disruption, The Moth will remind you that emotion, communication, and storytelling are still relevant in today’s complex times. Recently I listened to the episode War, Barbie Dream House, Coco and a Nekkid Man.

Legendary Life with Ted Ryce: Interviewing the top minds in nutrition, fitness, and performance, Ted brings you more than just an eat less, workout more perspective to health. As a longevity champion, he delves into everything from keto, to stress management to communication. Let’s face it, good physical and mental performance is the foundation for having the energy you need to perform at your peak, rise up and win. Recently I listened to the episode Why Everything You Think About Aging May Be Wrong With Dr. Charles Brenner.

HBR Ideacast: A mix of the most brilliant minds in business and leadership, HBR Ideacast brings you insights and tactics into elevating your game in work and life. This podcast covers a range of topics ranging from how to create new habits to how to delight customers. And because it comes from Harvard, they get to bring the leading voices in a range of topics that impact how you perform in work and life. Recently I listened to the episode The Right Way To Form New Habits With Author James Clear.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

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Tamara GhandourTamara Ghandour of GoToLaunchStreet is a TED speaker and entrepreneur. From building and running multimillion dollar businesses, advising Fortune 500 like Disney, Procter and Gamble and RICOH on fostering innovative ideas and people. Tamara’s life is about breaking through the status quo for game-changing results, and that’s what her keynotes, online programs and assessments can do for you.