Hard Times Breeds Innovation – Natalie Jill Fitness

Hard Times Breeds Innovation

Hard Times Breeds Innovation

I keep thinking every morning we are going to wake up from a very bad dream. I have felt like this has ALL been a bad dream! How about you?

Who would have thought just a few months ago our worlds as we knew them would change collectively like this so fast!?

Hard Times Breeds Innovation pinterest thumbnailI’m pretty certain I’m more extroverted than I ever believed right now. I MISS PEOPLE!

I’m scared for our health
I’m scared for our economy
I am scared for those who battle depression and anxiety
I am scared for those who battle addiction
I am scared for those in bad home situations who are now stuck at home.
I’m worried for our future
I am worried for my 74 year old mom in Florida where the state is not taking things seriously.

My list goes on and on.

I am an empath and anxiety prone as is… so I’ve been waking up worrying about so much. Add my arm injury pain to it and I’m a barrel of monkeys lol.

AND I know that “worry” and being “scared” or complaining doesn’t fix or change anything.

I also KNOW that tough times breed innovation, love, creativity and community. I’ve witnessed this first hand before! I’m 48 and have bounced back from a lot…

During 9/11 when I lived in Washington DC

During the sniper shootings when we were scared to leave our homes in Reston, VA

During the 2008/2009 financial crash

And now.


“Tough times don’t last but tough people do” I remind myself of this and I hope you will too.

How I’ve been shifting my days from fear to faith?

How are YOU holding up out there?