Second Annual Kalypso Innovation Competition – The Kalypsonian

I’m ecstatic. We recently hosted the second annual Kalypso Innovation Competition (KIC) sponsored by Women in Technology!

It’s so exciting to get inside the heads of extraordinary women who are interested in technology and leadership. For the contest, participants were asked to submit an essay and podcast on innovation, leadership and being a woman in Information Technology (IT).

This year, we doubled our amount of applicants and were pleased to recognize four talented young women.

A panel of Kalypso judges reviewed the applications and deliverables, and the winners were awarded a cash prize and a summer internship at our Monterrey Technical Center (MTC).  

Below, our four recipients share their perspective on being women in IT.

Junior Prizes:

Ana Karen Reyna | Opportunity for women in IT is endless. I think we are indispensable.

Paloma Chavez | My mother, who also has a degree in computer science, proved that women can do anything they want to do.

Senior Prizes:

Estela Acevedo | In IT there is always something new to learn. It is exciting because you keep preparing yourself and defying limitations.

Laura Tobias | I love to hack life.

The Kalypso MTC family is excited to provide these women with an exciting and developmental summer internship experience. We want Kalypso to be their top choice when they join the workforce. Through the annual Kalypso Innovation Competition, we help brilliant students achieve their goals, and get closer to gender equality in the IT profession.

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