Innovation and Industry: Where is it? – » The Australian Independent Media Network

We have a breathing space to plan.

We are dependent to a large extent on other countries for manufactured goods, often made from raw materials which we have exported.

The need for Australia to establish more industry is definitely a subject being currently discussed. particularly as the extent of our dependence on China for imports is being questioned.

One commodity which we have in abundance and cannot directly export is sunshine.

Often joined by a friend, I spend 2 hours each week sitting outside the NT Parliament House, wearing my Extinction Rebellion T-shirt, talking about global warming and renewable energy, to anyone passing by who has a moment to share.

One conversation was with a man with an engineering background who saw nuclear energy as our future. We had quite a long discussion and he was critical of current solar power developments, as are many people, because of issues around disposing of solar panels which are no longer functioning effectively and which, in any case, have used considerable amounts of energy and raw materials to manufacture.

Clearly we need to throw the net wider and accept that rooftop solar is an introduction not a final solution.

I also spend many hours reading about national and international events, developments, ideas and policies.

I know we can now print a solar film which has many applications, including in windows! It can generate solar energy while resting on water, which serves 2 purposes: the water helps to prevent the film from overheating, which otherwise reduces energy output, and the film helps loss of water from evaporation. Note CSIRO as a source of information. This under-funded national resource is also grossly under-utilised!

The clear drawback of rooftop solar and solar film is that it only generates power while the sun shines, whereas solar thermal can generate power 24/7. Why is not industry tuning in to this one?

If you look up (@)Mike Hudema, on Twitter or Facebook – or just on Google – you will be introduced to an amazing array of ideas for renewable energy, using solar, wind, water flow, in streams as well as tidal waters, and also methods of producing pure water in arid areas! Some of the wind generation devices which he introduces us to can be installed in suburbia rather than requiring vast open spaces. There is a place for both.

His theme is “We have solutions to the #climatecrisis, let’s implement them.

We have been held back in the fight for effective action on the climate emergency by politicians, who are both ignorant about science and consequently blind to the opportunities it offers.

It is hard to believe that we actually have a Department of Industry, Science. Energy and Resources (it once included Innovation in its title but that possibly disappeared with Malcolm Turnbull!).

It is disturbing how much our government is prepared to commit to Defence expenditure, most recently on planes which have yet to fly and submarines which will be largely built elsewhere, without significant employment of Australian labour!

By comparison with the world’s major powers, we are a pygmy, and could only ever survive a land or sea battle if we were backed by a major power. Whereas we could be a world leader in our own right, given the copious sunshine with which we are endowed, by developing every viable idea for renewable energy.

We could even put to use the fact that we are girt by sea!!

Where is the industry being established here in Australia to achieve this aim?

Why is the ability of CSIRO not being harnessed?

Why do we concentrate on fossil fuel extraction when these endeavours are on the verge of becoming stranded assets?

Why are we, the people, putting up with government corruption which is denying our children’s children a viable future?

The Covid-19 crisis is giving us an opportunity to start afresh, working towards a cleaner environment and viable future.

We cannot afford, for our descendant’s sake’s, to waste this chance in a lifetime to use adversity to help us shape a brighter future.

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