Innovation for all: how can an on-farm innovation truly fit into the Lao PDR local context? by ACIAR

By Sarina Macfadyen, ACIAR’s Associate Research Program Manager for Farming Systems and AnalysisFor many smallholder farmers, the adoption of new practices can bring significant benefits in terms of greater production, increased profits, and more time for other activities. However, there is always a plethora of challenges that farmers face in the wake of adoption, that if not addressed, can lessen benefits and in some cases force farmers to drop new technology and revert to old practices.ACIAR research projects are not only focussed on the adoption phase of new technology but also on understanding these challenges and providing pre-emptive solutions for those farmers that are the first to try out new technology.The adoption of direct seeding techniques in rice (DSR) in Lao PDR is a good example of this process.DSR, which involves putting the rice seed in or on the soil surface using a seed drill machine or broadcasting by hand, has been quickly adopted by some farmers in Savannakhet Province in Southern Lao. It is progressively replacing the traditional method of transplanting small rice seedlings into a wet paddy field.DSR can provide a range of benefits to farm households. When interviewd by Mr Phetsamone Simali (an extension officer from the Savannakhet Provinical Agriculture and Forestry Office), farmers like Mr. Vanxay described both the benefits and challenges of DSR. The complete interview can be seen below…