Kenya’s innovation in non-touch handwashing station impresses netizens – Kicker Daily News

With COVID-19 threat, Kenyans are innovating things to improve the way they handle hygiene even without the presence of running water in some areas.

In a post by the Ministry of Health on Facebook, a kid is seen washing his hands on a makeshift hand washing station. The invention is amazing because there’s no need to touch anything with your hands to get the station working. The kid stepped on a wooden pedal to pour the liquid soap and stepped on another pedal to release the water from a container.

Whoever made this has put into consideration the importance of non-touch procedure (using hands) on handwashing equipment to minimize contamination. The whole station is made of wood and attached to a tree. Such a brilliant idea!

The video was taken in a homestead in Nyamira North sub-county located in Kenya, East Africa.

Netizens were impressed with how a small county can make their own “machine” a little advanced.

“Extremely impressive. Kenyans are just brilliant! We should be the rulers of world. Let us nurture these God-given talents. We should not be depending on imports. #Made in Kenya. #Buy Kenya: *build Kenya and self”

“Wow, this is wonderful work, done by African! Please the government should intervene in helping this person to do millions of this innovation work on metal stainless things so it can go worldwide! God bless you for the work in Jesus’s name.”

“Excellent. The whole process of washing hands can be done without touching infected hands anywhere. Commendable job. Keep it up.”

Some noticed how the kid finished quickly in washing his hands and not following the standards recommended by WHO. Perhaps the procedure was cut short just to show how to use the handwashing station.

If you ever wonder why they have to resort to this instead of having a faucet with running water, the truth is that access to clean and safe piped drinking water remains an issue in Kenya.

According to The Water Project, “Kenya’s natural water resources do not provide an equitable delivery of water to the various regions of the country and the country’s water basins do not reach an equitable area of the country.”

At least the residents have found a way to improvise some methods to sanitize and keep themselves away from the virus.

Watch the video here.