GROW: Stimulating agri-tech innovation – Agri-TechE

  1. The Agri-Tech Business Plan Competition (hereafter “the Competition”) welcomes business plans describing new commercial opportunities based around new products or services to help increase the productivity, efficiency and sustainability of agricultural and horticultural production, or downstream food processing.
  2. In this context, “agriculture” refers to crop and livestock production and management. “Horticulture” refers to fresh produce, ornamentals, fruit, nuts, algae, herbs and seeds. Both food and non-food crops are within scope of the Competition.
  3. Applications should demonstrate a degree of innovation which may, for example, be either technology-based or built around new business models. They should clearly describe how they would help meet one or more of the objectives of improving productivity, efficiency or sustainability within agriculture or horticulture. Innovations based on crop bioscience or chemistry, novel engineering solutions, or ICT/systems based ideas are all within scope. Business plans relating to retail (such as farm shops, for example), or business diversification (such as tourism, equine, or repurposing of farm buildings into, for example, business units) are not in scope for this Competition.
  4. The innovation may have application and impact outside the UK, but the founding entrepreneur must be resident in the UK and intend founding the business within the UK.
  5. Plans that describe a fictitious business idea, or are based on imaginary science or technology are not eligible. They must describe a real-world innovation with which the applicant(s) have freedom-to-operate. Where know-how or intellectual property exists that underpins the proposed plan, applicants must either own, or have secured this prior to submission of the plan.
  6. Applicants must declare the date, amount and source of any funding (public or private) which has already been secured to develop the innovation or business. Applicants do not have to have a registered business to develop the innovation, however those that are already incorporated must clearly explain how this is expected be a new commercial entity. Plans that describe amendments or expansions to existing businesses or companies are not eligible for the Competition.
  7. The Competition will open on 6th November 2019. Applicants must register an expression of interest by 28th February 2020 for successful assignation of a mentor. Plans will not by accepted without prior assignation of a mentor. Closing date for submission of business plans is 15th April 2020. No plans will be accepted after that date.
  8. Applications should submit a Business Plan comprising no more than 12 pages (including Appendices) to: [email protected]. Postal entries will not be accepted unless with the express written permission of a representative of Agri-TechE. No additional information will be accepted, but contact details of the lead applicant must be provided as a condition of entry. A template for submissions has not been provided; part of the judging process will be clarity of the plans and the information the applicant(s) choose to include.
  9. Plans will be sifted by an expert panel comprising key stakeholders from the agri-tech, investment and business communities. A short-listed group of finalists will be invited to deliver a presentation of no more than 10 minutes (plus up to an additional 10 minutes for Judges’ questions) to a panel of Judges, from whom the winner(s) will be selected. The Judges’ decision is final and no further correspondence will be entered into, unless with the express agreement of individual Judge(s) and applicants(s). The Final will be held on 4th June 2020.
  10. Non-disclosure agreements will not be entered into by the mentors, judges, Support Award Prize donors, or employees of Agri-TechE. Applicants submit their ideas and plans under the explicit understanding of this.
  11. Any publicity surrounding the winner(s) will be discussed and agreed between the winner(s), Agri-TechE and/or representatives of both parties where appropriate to prevent inappropriate disclosures.
  12. Applicants may submit more than one business plan, but each winning plan can receive only one cash prize and up to three Support Award Prizes in total.
  13. Winner(s) will receive a cash prize as well as further Support Award Prizes to develop their business plan into commercial reality.
  14. One first-prize winner receive a cash prize and will have the choice of up to three Support Award Prizes. Further prizes will be distributed only at the discretion of Agri-TechE and the Support Award donors.
  15. Support Award Prizes may include, but are not limited to, additional mentoring/coaching, access to investors, provision of short-term business accommodation to help start the company, and ongoing support to network within the business ecosystem.
  16. Support Award Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash or equivalent liquid funds.
  17. Support Award Prizes must be used within 12 months of the date of announcement; any Support Award Prizes not used after this time may be forfeited.
  18. The Support Award Prizes are provided at the absolute discretion of the donors. Agri-TechE and its representatives accept no responsibility or liability for the Support Award Prizes, the nature of the Support Award Prizes provided by the donor, or any consequences resulting from the selection and delivery of the Support Award Prizes.