Amsterdam picks novel Japanese approach to renovate canals without making a mess – Innovation – GCR

After a global require ideas, the city of Amsterdam has actually selected an unique technique from Japan to renovate its canal walls without the requirement for demolition and temporary works.

Methods proposed by Giken Ltd, based in Kochi, scored highest amongst 16 proposals, and the city and a Giken-led consortium have actually signed a partnership agreement.Amsterdam owns and manages
a network of 400-year-old bridges and quays which are susceptible due to their innovative age.Traditional building and construction methodologies for quay wall

repair would see temporary work platforms built and existing structures gotten rid of to build new walls, which is complicated and time-consuming. Giken’s technique drives piles straight through the existing canal structure, and lets equipment”walk”along the installed pile wall, the company stated in a news release today. It added that its”Press-In”innovation is vibration-and noise-free

. The consortium, called G-Kracht (G Force), includes Giken Europe, Gebr.

De Koning and Van Gelder Group.Following further comprehensive style work, a pilot setup begins in 2021. If effective, the methodology is expected to be embraced as a basic approach for remodellings scheduled for more than 200km quay walls in the city.Image: Giken’s illustration of how its technique will look in Amsterdam