Call for Papers: International Journal of Legal Science and Innovation [ISSN 2581-9453, Volume 2]: Submit by July 3

About the Journal

International Journal of Legal Science and Innovation [ISSN 2581-9453] is a referred scholarly blind peer-reviewed electronic journal intends to be a leader in facilitating a new kind of discussion in various fields of law Believing that such engagement is transformative and that it is time for transformation in academia, IJLSI will be at the forefront in reinforcing relationships between communities and institutions of higher learning.

Call for Papers

IJLSI invites manuscripts on any theme related to the Law field.

Submission Guidelines

Word Limit (Exclusive of Footnotes)

Submission Procedure

Processing Charges (To be paid after acceptance)

For Single Author: Rs. 1,000/-

For Co-authorship: Rs. 1,500/-

Deadline for Submission of Manuscript: 3rd July.

Review Results: Till 7th Day.

Email ID: editor.ijlsi[at]

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