Diversity and Innovation in American Higher Education is Under Threat as International Students Seek Friendlier Nations

Two years ago, when I moved from
Nigeria to America to pursue my MBA, I arrived with a glittering narrative
about this country. This was the land of freedom, where opportunities abounded
and where everyone was welcome.

Most international students flock
to the U.S. motivated by this belief; it’s partly why American higher education
has long been a global paragon of diversity and innovation. But that reputation
is now under siege from within. The most recent hit came this month, when ICE
announced it would force international students to leave the U.S. if they couldn’t
take in-person classes this fall. When the Trump administration reversed course
a week later, it only did so under the threat of legal action from leading
universities and seventeen states.

Sadly, though, the damage was done.

Even before this debacle, rising
xenophobia had depressed international student enrollment—a decline of 9.6
percent between fall
2016 and fall 2017, according to Not
Coming to America, a new report from New American Economy. The biggest
drops included colleges in the Midwest, where I received my MBA and the South
Central region, where I’ll soon be studying for a Master of Public Service
degree. In a survey of 500 academic institutions, half said America’s social
and political environment and an “unwelcome” atmosphere were to blame. Other
surveys pointed to Trump-imposed restrictions on visas and work opportunities. America
is no longer foreign students’ top choice, and that’s a demotion this country,
its citizens and its economy cannot afford.

I moved to the U.S. in 2018 with
more than fifteen years of business experience under my belt. I had a
successful career back home, but I knew an international degree and work
experience abroad would take me to the next level. Eventually, I will return to
Nigeria, but first, I would very much like to further my career in America. In
theory, this shouldn’t be difficult; my specialty in business analytics and
marketing research are in high demand here. But U.S. policy makes it incredibly
hard to find even temporary employment after graduation. This is a huge turn
off for foreign talent. In most countries like Nigeria, workers gain a
competitive edge when they can acquire both an advanced degree and hands on experience abroad. But as
U.S. officials impose more visa restrictions, the appeal of studying here has
weakened. Many Nigerians in my network have already decided against studying in
the U.S., opting for more accommodating countries like Canada, Australia,
Ireland and the U.K. This trend is growing across the board; in 2016, the U.S.
share of the world’s international student population dropped from 27.4 percent
to 19.4 percent, according to NAE.

That’s a big loss to this country
in terms of innovation, cultural contributions and economic vitality. In the
2017-2018 school year, America’s roughly one
million international students contributed more than $39 billion to the
U.S. economy and supported 455,00 jobs, according to NAE. In Ohio where I
studied, 37,314 international students contribute $1.3 billion and support 14,575
jobs according to NAFSA.
Foreign-born students who stay help American employers grow and innovate, and
many launch successful businesses (like Google), which create
thousands of jobs for Americans.

America gains so much from welcoming
international students—but loses even more by sending them away. International
students like me love America, but the government’s policies are having a
profound chilling effect, both on future enrollment and on those of us who are
already here. I arrived believing that America embodied the ideals of diversity
and inclusivity, but during my short stay I’ve experienced countless instances
of racism from racial slurs to other verbal assaults from complete strangers. The
glittering narrative I once held has been tempered by reality: at times, it
doesn’t look like I am welcome here.  

This must change. If it doesn’t,
thousands of international students will go elsewhere—not because they’ve been
forced to, but by choice.

Oluwaseun Olaniyi received his MBA from Ashland University in Ohio and
is an incoming student at the Clinton School of Public Service in Arkansas.