Energy strategies for New Zealand | Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

Energy strategies for New Zealand

The government’s energy strategies set the policy direction and priorities for the New Zealand energy sector and are focused transitioning to a net zero carbon emissions by 2050, while building a more productive, sustainable and inclusive economy.

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Renewable energy strategy work programme

The Government’s vision is for an affordable, secure, and sustainable energy system that provides for New Zealanders’ wellbeing in a low emissions world.

The renewable energy strategy work programme focusses on three main outcomes:

It includes the following workstreams:

The renewable energy strategy connects renewable electricity generation, electricity price review, green hydrogen strategy, Gas Act changes, resources strategy, process heat, Just Transition work, and backing emerging technologies with the Zero Carbon Bill and NZ Emissions Trading Scheme

Further information on five of these work streams to support the transition to more affordable and renewable energy is available below:

Further information on the work programme, and on the related response to the Interim Climate Change Committee’s report Accelerated Electrification

We recently published a discussion paper, Accelerating renewable energy and energy efficiency. Part A of this paper focuses on options to encourage energy efficiency and the uptake of renewable fuels in industry and Part B of this paper examines options to accelerate renewable electricity generation and infrastructure. We seek written submissions on the options and proposals raised in this document by 5pm on Friday 28 February 2020. Your submission may respond to any or all of these issues.

New Zealand’s hydrogen strategy consists of two parts; the hydrogen vision published in 2019 and a hydrogen roadmap which is under development.

New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy 2017-2022

The New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy 2017-2022 (NZEECS) sets the overarching policy direction for government support and intervention for the promotion of energy efficiency, energy conservation and the use of renewable sources of energy. The goal of the NZEECS is for New Zealand to have an energy-productive and low-emissions economy.

The NZEECS strategy:

Priority areas

The NZEECS focuses on 3 priority areas, where the biggest cost-effective opportunities lie:
