‘Significant’ day for Dundee as first tenant arrives at Michelin Innovation Scotland Parc – Evening Telegraph

The arrival of the first tenants at Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc has been described as a “significant” day for Dundee.

It was announced today that MEP Technologies Ltd has relocated from its existing Dundee premises to accommodate the growth of its business.

The move initially brings 10 jobs to the site, with plans to create up to 10 new jobs at MSIP over the next two years.

Economy Secretary Fiona Hyslop said: “This is a significant day for Dundee and I would like to thank Michelin and everyone who has been involved since the closure announcement.

“Their hard work and determination has supported the workforce and community and the vast majority of employees have found further employment or training opportunities.”

© The Scottish Government

MEP Technologies Ltd designs and manufactures high technology battery systems for portable industrial storage and automotive electric vehicle systems.

Greig Coull, CEO of MSIP said: “Today’s announcement of our first tenant at MSIP is a big mark of progress for us, on what marks the two-year anniversary of the announcement to close the Michelin Dundee factory.

“MEP Technologies Ltd is a great fit with MSIP, and demonstrates we have a strong offer to companies in the sustainable mobility and low carbon energy industries.

“Our first tenant is the first of many. I’m excited about today’s news, but also what the next 12 months will bring.”

© Mhairi Edwards

Stuart Morrison, Managing Director of MEP Technologies Ltd said: “We are really pleased to now be a part of the Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc community.

“The parc is already attracting some really successful low carbon technology companies and some really innovative new technology companies too. ”

John Alexander, leader of Dundee City Council, said he was “delighted to welcome the first tenants” and looked forward to many more joining them.

“There’s a real buzz ­around MSIP and its role in the sustainable and low carbon technologies which will not only help create jobs and prosperity here in Dundee, but also play a part in addressing the global climate emergency, ” he said.

“We need to keep up the pace, and the key stakeholder groups that Linda Hannah and I will chair are committed to doing that.”

© Steve MacDougall/DCTMedia

MSIP, which is a joint venture between Michelin, Dundee City Council and Scottish Enterprise, confirmed discussions with several other companies were at an advanced stage.

Further tenants were anticipated within the next 12 months, creating a further 200 jobs at the site.

A spokesman added: “Two previously announced companies that had reached provisional agreements to locate at MSIP in July – Arcola Energy and Low Emissions Resources Global – have been delayed by Covid-19 impacts but anticipate a move to MSIP in Spring/Summer 2021.”