Science, innovation department achieves clean audit | ITWeb

The Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) obtained a clean audit for the 2019/20 financial year, marking the third consecutive clean audit report from the auditor-general.

This was revealed by Parliament’s committee on higher education, science and technology, which has commended the DSI and its entities for good financial governance.

The department’s entities ─ the Human Sciences Research Council, National Research Foundation, Academy of Science of South Africa and the Technology Innovation Agency ─ have all been awarded clean audits for the period under review.

It’s been hailed for its responsible, efficient and effective use of public funds, which, according to the Parliamentary committee, should be emulated by entities and departments across all spheres of government.

In the statement, the committee notes the auditor-general has said the department should be recognised for adhering to best practice in its corporate and financial governance.

“The committee therefore conveys its appreciation to the department’s staff and executive management, in particular the director-general and the chief financial officer, and acknowledges the conscientious effort that secured this achievement. This standard should be maintained to ensure public funds are used for their legislated mandate.”

The DSI is the South African government department that has been tasked with ensuring science and innovation brings about improvements in the lives of all citizens and plays a key role in the re-industrialisation of the economy.

Last year, it was merged with the Department of Higher Education and Training, and its name changed from the Department of Science and Technology to the DSI. The department is headed by Dr Blade Nzimande, with Buti Manamela as deputy minister.