AWS re:Invent: Career Growth Opportunity and Innovation | HeleCloud

| By Dimitar Vachev, Cloud Training and Performance Manager at HeleCloud |

This year Amazon Web Services (AWS) continued to build on their story of life changing success for many people and companies who changed the way they use technology and by turning to the Cloud. It’s inspiring to see all the possibilities the AWS training provides and how this training enables people to change and grow in their careers, especially during the current pandemic. 

re:Invent 2020 saw AWS announce updates and new training packages and the opportunity for personal development for all.

AWS re:Invent 2020 Training and Development 

AWS shine a light on their virtual training programs this year and emphasise the importance of personalised learning and empowerment. In addition to the e-learning modules and classroom training AWS launches a new program providing free access to learning up to AWS Practitioner level. The AWS Power Hour: Cloud Practitioner Twitch bi-weekly live stream provides support, resources, and exercises to help strengthen your knowledge and prepare you for your AWS Cloud certification. 

Plus, a great opportunity is launched for those unemployed or underemployed wishing to ignite or change their cloud career with a classroom-based training program: AWS re/Start. 

AWS Skills Guild

AWS Skills Guild offers a training program to organisations to increase AWS Cloud skills. The program is underpinned by 5 pillars; Build Excitement, Technical and Business Enablement, Create Champions, Share Knowledge and, Build and Innovate. The AWS Skills Guild is designed to accelerate cloud fluency and build momentum to help organisation’s transform. 

AWS Academy Program

AWS recognise cloud computing skills are vital for many organisations, and the AWS Academy Program is designed to support higher education institutions with access to free Cloud training, learning and development. The AWS Academy has now reached universities in 35 countries across the world.  

HeleCloud proudly invest AWS cloud expertise, time and knowledge to underpin the cloud education curriculum and deliver cloud training programs at Sofia University, Bulgaria and SoftUni

Equality in learning opportunities for everyone

AWS’s inclusive culture is reinforced within their 14 Leadership Principles and extends to their training and development programs. All AWS employees are provided with the same training and learning opportunities and standards. 

HeleCloud is aligned to this culture and invests in every team member to obtain the minimum AWS Practitioner Certificate or AWS SA Associate. The HeleCloud team have achieved a combination of 217 AWS certificates from Associate to Professional, with specialties in AWS Networking, AWS Security, AWS Big Data to AWS Machine Learning.

If you want to discuss any of the above topics, or considering a career in the Cloud, don’t hesitate to contact us.