Austin’s Energy Innovation Future – LBJ Presidential Library

Austin’s Energy Innovation Future

Jan 28, 2021

January 28, 11am CST

Texas is second in clean energy jobs and is the largest contributor of wind-generated energy jobs in the country. The market is moving towards renewables. Coming on the heels of Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration, this panel discussion will focus on how Texas can continue to lead the way as a clean energy innovator. Topics will include clean energy as a tangible way to combat climate change and as an engine of private tech innovation, job creation, and workforce development in partnership with public investment.

Confirmed participants include:

The moderator will lead a conversation for about 40 minutes. Following the conversation, attendees can ask questions using the Q&A function. We will be using a Zoom webinar. Zoom is free to the public but you will need to download it to your computer or device first. You can download Zoom here.

Advance registration is required; please register using the form below.

The LBJ Future Forum is a membership organization for leaders of all ages that provides opportunities for members of the greater Austin community with diverse ethnic, cultural and political perspectives to gather and engage in dialogue about the social, political and civic issues facing us today. For more information or to support future programming, please visit