One Apple A Day #908 – social innovation | Fabio Salvadori

Wikipedia defines social innovations as the “new social practices that aim to meet social needs in a better way than the existing solutions.”

In short, innovations whose purpose is to have a positive impact on society.

But shouldn’t that be the goal of every innovation initiative?

It is clear to me that every innovation has a social impact, wanting or not.

To be honest, I believe that every human initiative or action has a social impact, even the smallest one.

Maybe the impact is not immediately evident or significant, but who knows how it will expand? Maybe our apparently insignificant action will compound with many other insignificant ones becoming a tide.

Everyone and everything is interconnected.

So, every innovation initiative must consider the effect it will create on humanity and on the planet. I’m aware that the impact of our initiatives is in part, often in large part, outside our control. But that is not an excuse to overlook or ignore this aspect. 

We should always ask ourselves what impact our action may create on others and on the planet.