Analytics Trends and Strategies, Healthcare Innovation, Combating Wildfires, and Natural Selection | Lityx

In this week’s roundup, learn how artificial intelligence (AI) can drive healthcare innovation, combat wildfires, and spot traces of natural selection. Consider three marketing analytics trends that are driving performance this year. And, finally, understand how to solve the challenge of outdated data and fuel transformation with a solid enterprise data and analytics strategy. 

By Jean Nehme, contributing writer for

The pandemic has halted global healthcare delivery for the past 18 months, resulting in overwhelmed hospitals and a backlog of elective surgeries. Digital tools can help. For example, clinicians are using AI auto-contouring tech to identify organs at risk more quickly. AI makes logistics more efficient and accelerates drug development, ultimately improving diagnoses and treatment. But there are barriers to adoption. Learn about the ways in which AI is improving healthcare and why implementation has been slow.  

By Alex Wigglesworth, contributing writer for

California has been ravaged by wildfires over the past several years. And Sonoma County is adding AI to its wildfire-fighting arsenal in an effort to detect fires more quickly. It will be outfitting its network of fire-spotting cameras with software that detects wildfire activity and alerts authorities. Emergency workers will first have to teach the system to differentiate between smoke and fog or clouds. The software will use feedback from humans to refine the algorithm, with the end goal of being able to correctly detect fires.

by Hayley Dunning, contributing writer for

Natural selection is the process by which beneficial gene mutations are preserved from generation to generation until they become dominant in our genomes. One thing that can drive natural selection is protection against pathogens. In a recent study, researchers have used advanced AI and large sets of genomic data to learn how humans have adapted to recent diseases. This method could be applied to new pathogens, like coronavirus that causes COVID-19, to help identify which gene mutations may be associate with more severe cases of the disease.

By Jay Wilder, contributing writer for

84% of customers say the experience a company provides is as important as its products and services. Personalization, trust, and valuable interactions are paramount to the customer experience. To achieve this, marketers must work on data and analytics strategies that allow them to understand customer engagement and deliver maximum impact with every dollar spent. Here are three marketing analytics trends to consider as you execute your marketing plan this year.

By Ragunthan Ramanathan, contributing writer for

The pandemic has highlighted the need for organizations to have a robust digital foundation that allows them to pivot and adapt quickly. The only way to do this is with sound data. Collecting and managing data across departments is no small task. This discussion with Parag Agrawal, CIO of Chobani, dives into how to solve the challenge of outdated, scattered data and how businesses can fuel their transformation with a solid enterprise data and analytics strategy.

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