Unilever Adds Ag Related Tech Innovation Challenges

Unilever Adds Ag Related Tech Innovation Challenges

Unilever adds four ag related open innovation challenges to its Open Innovation portal. Unilever will consider partnerships with established suppliers, start-ups, academics, designers, individual inventors—anyone with a practical innovation that can help them meet their challenges.

Explore new Unilever challenges: 

  • Plant Protein & Beyond: People’s eating habits are changing, but more consumers want to know that the products they’re buying are nutritious and healthy, have limited environmental impact and that people have been treated well when making the products. Submit your ideas if you have a plant-based innovation that will substanially benefit human health.
  • Positive Nutrition: Good nutrition matters. If you have a nutritional solution to improve health & wellness and to enhance resilience, submit your ideas to Unilever!
  • Sustainable Packaging for Dry Foods: Less plastic, better plastic or no plastic—submit your dry food packaging ideas to Unilever to benefit our enviornment and to build a collaborative partnership.
  • Sustainable Packaging Materials for Ice Cream: Ice cream + less plastic, better plastic or no plastic = a potential collaborative partnership with Unilever. Submit your sustainable ice cream packaging idea to accelerate a more circular economy.


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Unilever adds four ag related open innovation challenges to its Open Innovation portal. Unilever will consider partnerships with established suppliers, start-ups, academics, designers, individual inventors—anyone with a practical innovation that can help them meet their challenges.

Explore new Unilever challenges: