GNOSIS took part in the 1st Asia–Europe Foundation (ASEF) Higher Education Innovation Laboratory – University of Nicosia

GNOSIS took part in the 1st Asia–Europe Foundation (ASEF) Higher Education Innovation Laboratory

The series of workshops for managers in higher education focused on “Universities’ Role in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Innovation Ecosystems”.

GNOSIS | Mediterranean Institute for Management Science participated in the 1st Asia – Europe Foundation (ASEF) Higher Education Innovation Laboratory (ASEFInnoLab) focusing on Universities’ Role in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Innovation Ecosystems. The Laboratory was an 8-week long online project for university leaders, managers, academics and researchers, designed to advance their work in driving innovation, especially in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Among over 300 applications, 28 participants were selected from 22 ASEM partner countries, to enhance AI innovation ecosystems in Asia and Europe. The aim of the Laboratory was for the participants to complete the programme with a key combination of knowledge, ideas and peer networks, to unlock the full potential of their organisations and projects, as well as contribute to innovation ecosystems at local, national and regional level.

After a competitive application process, Dr Maria Hadjiathanasiou, Horizon 2020 (MSCA Widening) Research Fellow at the Department of Politics and Governance, and Research Fellow at the GNOSIS Institute at the University of Nicosia, was selected to participate in the Laboratory between 25 March and 13 May 2021.

Some of the weekly themes explored during the project were the following: Artificial Intelligence, What It Is, What It Is Not; Universities’ Role in Innovation Ecosystems; Governing AI Innovation Ecosystems; Teaching and Skill Needs of AI Innovation Ecosystems; Advancing Student Entrepreneurship in the AI Age; Research and Industry Relations in AI Innovation Ecosystems and; Technology Transfer to Businesses in AI Innovation Ecosystems.

The 1st ASEFInnoLab was organised by the Asia-Europe Foundation, an intergovernmental not-for-profit organisation that brings together the peoples of Asia and Europe to address common global challenges, in partnership with Fudan University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU). Further info is available here: