$1.5M Innovation Fund to Support Your Teacher Observation and Collaboration Initiatives – the Edthena blog – video coaching and instructional coaching resources

Edthena is introducing a $1.5-million Innovation Fund to support schools and districts with their teacher observation and collaboration initiatives.

Last month, we celebrated 10 years of Edthena. As we look forward to our next decade of impact, we’re excited to partner with new school districts to back their video-powered professional learning. Whether that’s through video coaching, video teacher observations, or more, we’re here to support you.

Back-to-school this year means providing more targeted support with teacher observation

With the new school year beginning, much is on school and district leaders’ minds. The return to in-person or hybrid learning. Learning loss. Students’ social and emotional well-being.

The months and years ahead present an enormous challenge AND enormous opportunity for district administrators.

How will you build new and better systems to drive student outcomes? How will you ensure that teachers are fully prepared and supported? How can you make teacher observation easier?

The Edthena video collaboration platform can help you in a variety of ways:

We’re excited to support your work in building a next-generation professional learning system within your district.

Funding Edthena with the Innovation Fund

Supporting your Edthena initiatives is the goal of the Innovation Fund. It works as a matching grant, where the amount of your teacher professional development grant depends on the size of your district.

Wondering how you can fund your portion of an Edthena adoption? You can use any of your existing state or federal funding (ESSER, ESSA, Title I, etc) for your portion. We have a detailed funding alignment document we’d be happy to provide.

We want to help you ensure that you create systems that can be sustained for many years to come. That’s why our Innovation Fund is designed to support teacher observation implementations for up to three academic years.

Applying for the Innovation Fund is an easy two-step process

Interested in applying for these funds? It’s as easy as 1-2 … and that’s it!

First, contact [email protected] to receive your total fund eligibility amount and the application link.

Second, you’ll fill out our application form, which asks for one-paragraph answers to the following questions:

The first review of applications will be on Sept. 30th, 2021.

If funds remain, applications will be reviewed again on the 30th of each month.

Ready to take your teacher observation video initiatives to the next step? Send an email to [email protected] to get started.