NBS takes part in Pediatric Innovation Day and Meningitis Research Foundation Conference – newborn solutions

NBS will take part in Pediatric Innovation Day on the October 21st and in Meningitis Research Foundation Conference 2021, 1-3th November. 

NBS is one of the proud 6 finalists in i4KIDS’ Pediatric Innovation Contest, chosen out of over 40 candidates. Considering our close collaboration with Hospital Sant Joan de Déu we just had to be part of Pediatric Innovation Day, a promising event organised by i4KIDS -the pediatric innovation hub of Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute- coordinated by Barcelona’s Sant Joan de Déu Hospital. i4KIDS comprises various research institutes whose main goal is to impulse pediatric innovation, by testing and developping innovative clinical solutions. 

Pediatric Innovation Day will take place, on-site in Barcelona Thursday 21th of October and will also be live online. Take a look at the full program and information on how to register (in Spanish) here .

We are currently working with Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, a partnership with which we are collecting data acquisition alongside the Neonatology, Emergency and Diagnostic Imaging departments. We started this collaboration in June 2021 and we are really thrilled to have this great institution join us in the clinical trials we are conducting. Barcelona’s Hospital Sant Joan de Déu is one one of Europe’s top 5 children’s hospital and it is inspiring to see this institution working daily to put innovation at the service of children’s and mothers’ health. 

NBS has also been selected and will be presenting a poster at the Meningitis Research Foundation Conference.

The poster we present is fruit of our long going research alongside our scientific advisors backing NBS and working jointly in developping Neosonics. Dr Quique Bassat, one of our scientific advisor, epidemiologist and meningitis expert will do us the honor of presenting our poster.

The thirteenth Meningitis Research Foundation Conference will bring together world-leading experts discussing latest advances and today’s challenges for meningitis and septicaemia, including burden and impact of diseases, the development of new vaccines and global impact of existing programmes and campaigns, the development of new diagnostic tests, advances and controversies in treatment, scientific advances to enable future action against these infections, aftercare and advocacy. The conference programme is aligned to the new WHO Global Roadmap to Defeat Meningitis by 2030.

The Meningitis Research Foundation is a British NGO whose mission is to defeat meningitis and septicaemia wherever they exist by supporting research, advocating for change by bringing together experts, coordinating knowledge and taking action for prevention, diagnosis and treatment as well as information and support. The United Nation Sustainable Development Goals provide a clear framework for long-term priorities and the MRF works to align global meningitis action with these goals. 

More information on the conference can be found here.