How does company culture and leadership impact on innovation? | The Media Online
While many companies focus on addressing problems, the most successful focus on raising the bar. When our agency won the Network Media Agency of the Year award, I found myself reflecting on what makes an agency innovative and what role company culture and leadership plays in driving innovation.
While many companies focus on addressing problems, the most successful focus on raising the bar. When our agency won the Network Media Agency of the Year award – I found myself reflecting on what makes an agency innovative and what role company culture and leadership plays in driving innovation.
“Excellence in leading innovation has far less to do with the leader driving innovative ideas; it has everything to do with how that leader creates a culture where innovation and creativity thrive in every corner.” (Edingar, 2012) In the above shared video, Michael Jordaan makes an imperative statement: “The creation and destruction of innovation has never been so fast. It all comes to down to innovation. Can you innovate as the environment around you changes?”
Stability is never guaranteed because the rate of change is increasing at an exponential rate. The reality is that the risk of not innovating is far greater than doing so and making a few mistakes. Thus, it’s imperative to have a dynamic leader with the right characteristics to foster and ensure that an innovative culture is cultivated.
Lastly, when it comes to culture, your leaders are the example. They embody the change we want to see. A great leader will promote innovation as a regular part of how the company conducts business. Innovation essentially moves inside the business instead of being a separate task or mandate.
Changing Company Culture Requires a Movement, Not a Mandate.
Remember – Don’t Innovate. Create a Culture of Innovation.
Ofentse Ikaneng is a media strategist at The MediaShop