Workshop and Panel on Strategic Innovation at the 3rd Annual Innovation Master Class – Inovo

The Conference Board is holding their 3rd Annual Innovation Master Class at the 3M Innovation Center in St. Paul, Minnesota on June 9-11  2015.  A key part of this event is the June 9th workshop and June 11 panel discussion being conducted by Larry Schmitt and Brian Christian of The Inovo Group. This workshop and panel will dive into details about the ways companies identify and pursue strategic innovations. Both the workshop and panel will use the results of a survey conducted prior to the event as well as in-depth research Inovo has conducted over the past 3 years. The workshop and panel will focus on the catalysts of success and the barriers companies face when trying to undertake significant, strategic innovation initiatives.

June 9, 4:45 – 6:45 pm:  Strategic Innovation Pre-Conference Workshop
Inovo will be sponsoring a pre-conference workshop to review the results of a strategic innovation survey and to discuss the survey’s implications for how companies address the challenges of strategic innovation. The survey is sent to all individuals signed up for the conference in advance of the June 9 workshop. Inovo will synthesize the survey results and develop key implications for discussion at the pre-Conference workshop on June 9 as well as at this Panel Discussion on June 11.
June 11, 10:30 – 11:15 am:  Strategic Innovation Panel Discussion
Inovo will review the results and implications of a strategic innovation survey and share additional insights developed during the pre-Conference workshop on June 9.  Inovo will facilitate a panel discussion using a panel recruited from the June 9th workshop attendees. The panel will encourage all conference attendees to engage directly with their peers at companies that are highly active in the pursuit of strategic innovations.
Detailed information about the event can be found at:

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