Business Innovation Week – Winter 2022 – Live Updates – Business School Lausanne

Welcome to the Business Innovation Week – Winter 2022 Edition!

Updates are displayed in reverse chronological order.

Monday 7th February, 2022 – Day 1 (AM)

15:15 – Group Work for our students until 16h.

15:00 – A little break for our students before their Group Work

14:30 – Q&A Session

14:20 – Bear Hectare with Master’s Alumnus Arshia Soltani! Thanks for joining us Arshia!

14:00 – Bear Hectare with Master’s Alumnus Arshia Soltani! Thanks for joining us Arshia!

13:35 – A great Q&A Session going on!:

13:30 – Final Learnings and Thoughts:

13:25 – A very Interesting information session about first round fund raising! Incredibly insightful, open, honest presentation of Wingy’s start!

13:00 – Welcome Lars!

11:45 – Our students are on a lunch break now until 13h but will be back and welcoming Lars Klein, Co-Founder & CTO at Wingly, an exciting startup of a flight sharing website that connects pilots and passengers. Private pilots can add flights they have planned on their website an potential passengers can easily book them via their system. Can’t wait to hear more!

Bon appétit everyone!

11:40 – Many thanks for joining Diego! We hope to see you at BSL soon again!

10:15 – A Case Study for our Students:

A Quick Intro of Diego’s Company:

11:00 – A Big Warm Welcome to to Diego diMartino! Welcome to the BSL-BIW! Diego completed his Masters in Finance with BSL in 2019 and started his own company in the Financial Services Industry.

10:50 – A quick break before we welcome our second guest speaker, Diego diMartino.

10:30 – Get in Touch!

10:20 – A growing client list for InCub&Co !

09:50 – Our First Guest Speaker is Dariya Dementyeva (Dana), from InCub&Co, an entrepreneur hub and incubator to support brave ideas. Dana completed her Master’s degree at BSL in 2017.

Follow them on Instagram!

09:30 – A quick break now as our morning guest speaker prepares herself. See you back here in a little bit!

Keep an eye out on our social media feeds for insider pictures of our BIW!

09:15 – Here is the schedule for the day:

We have been told that many of the guest speakers are Alumni of BSL!
Can’t wait to hear and see what they have been up to!

Looks like this BIW is really going to be start-up focused and students will be creating a 5-min “elevator pitch” at the end of the week, having worked in groups together. Sounds fantastic!

09:00 – Kick-off to the Business Innovation Week!