Apply for 2022 $150,000 #Google Innovation Challenge – MetroStar News

Applications are now open for the 3rd Middle East, Turkey and Africa GNI Innovation Challenge and this is your opportunity to inject new ideas to support and stimulate the news ecosystem.

Google will fund up to $150,000 for selected innovative projects. The application window is open until April 5th.

Since 2019, 43 projects have been funded through this programme in the region selected from 18 countries. We’re looking forward to seeing fresh ideas come out of the Middle East, Turkey and Africa.

If you are interested in learning more about this initiative, here are some resources that can help:

For more information about the challenge, visit

Use this dedicated email to ask questions: [email protected]

We will also be holding an online town hall on Tuesday, March 8 at 10am GMT with a live presentation and the opportunity to ask questions.

In July 2021, Google announced 22 media innovators for a $2.1 million funding through the second Google News Initiative (GNI) Innovation Challenge for Africa, the Middle East, and Turkey.

Applications for the challenge were opened in February 2021 and ran until April 12, 2021, The Guardian reports.

A total of 329 established publishers, online-only players, news startups, publisher consortia and local industry associations applied from 35 countries across the regions, showing the diversity and appetite for innovation of the news ecosystem. A rigorous review process, a round of interviews and a jury selection process followed, for the final selection of successful recipients.

The applicants’ innovations addressed issues ranging from audience development to virtual reality storytelling and recipients were able to clearly demonstrate their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).

Head, Innovation at Google News Initiative (GNI), Ludovic Blecher, said the vibrancy of the markets in the 14 countries projects were selected from could clearly be seen in the vast range of news players, topics and technologies considered.”

GNI is Google’s effort to help news players in their transition to a digital future, focusing on three pillars: elevating and strengthening quality journalism, evolving business models to drive sustainable growth and empowering news organisations through technological innovation.