Innovation Partnership: GovTech Lab Issues “Simplify Legi”

Candidates to the call for solutions should develop an AI-tool, which helps administrations preparing regulatory and legislative projects. The call for solutions is open until 10 October 2022.

GovTech Lab, a technological innovation accelerator for the Luxembourg State, has issued a call for solutions to improve administrative simplification: “Symplify Legi”.

A call for solutions is an innovation partnership with external actors including startups, researchers, freelancers and companies. The purpose is to develop innovative solutions in a joint effort to strengthen the implementation of a digital government.

Candidates to “Symplify Legi” should develop a tool using artificial intelligence, which will help administrations preparing regulatory and legislative projects to evaluate and analyse existing regulatory framework, and to avoid text inconsistencies and duplication.

The application should identify approaches in legislative texts; suggest the theme(s) concerned by these texts; assess the level of complexity of the identified canvases.

The proposed approach should include as a priority:

  • the determination of the concept of an administrative procedure,
  • the detection of the latter in the regulatory texts as well as
  • the detection of the level of complexity of an administrative procedure via
  • the implementation of this detection in a tool based on artificial intelligence or other technology.

“Currently, the different administrative procedures within the existing regulatory/legislative framework are not mapped. The legal research involves autonomous and manual fine-tuning activities. Moreover, the existing regulatory/legislative framework can be vast and complex, implying that the analysis work of the initiating party is demanding and can represent a considerable workload,” GovTech Lab explains.

“Therefore, the identification of the interactions or links between the different texts containing the administrative procedures is even more challenging. As a result, the complexity of a specific administrative procedure needs to be identified and visualised”.

The call for solutions is open until 10 October 2022.

GovTech Lab is a joint initiative of the Ministry for Digitalisation and the Government IT Centre (CTIE). The Luxembourg technological innovation accelerator represents and supports the evolution towards a digital government characterised by user-friendliness, security, accessibility, and efficiency of the services offered to citizens

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