Discover Ageas INsure Open Innovation program for international startups. Apply by September 30th! (Sponsored) | EU-Startups

Ageas INsure is now in its second edition and fully equipped to nurture the next generation of international insurtech. Organized by collaboration between H-FARM Innovation and Grupo Ageas Portugal, the deadline to apply for the Open Innovation project is September 30th! Apply today!

Insurance innovation is at an exciting point right now, with fresh thinking and promising ventures scaling across Europe. It’s an area that has massive market potential, but also the power to positively influence and impact people’s lives. 

Ageas INsure Open Innovation

Ageas INsure, a collaboration between H-FARM Innovation and Grupo Ageas Portugal, is now in its second year. It wants to find the most promising international startups to produce and nurture a mutually beneficial collaboration, driving innovation and enhancing business evolution. 

Applications are now open. Apply by 30th September. 

The program aims to develop and validate innovative solutions that can increase people’s protection, while also improving their quality of life and customer experience. The goal of the program is to connect startups from across the globe with Grupo Ageas Portugal, in order to test and validate their solutions with a paid Proof of Concept (POC). The program offers concrete possibilities to integrate solutions into Ageas’ value chain.

“Take a chance to be part of this exciting, transformative journey to impact people’s quality of life, protection, and customer experience. We are committed to giving you a truly valuable experience for your business!”

Addressing challenges of today

For the 2022 edition, the program is specifically looking for solutions in the following areas:

Smart use of data: For data-driven solutions that enable advanced data analysis to enrich databases, segment audiences and create a more personalized customer experience, while making fraud detection and claims management more efficient.

Health for all: Tools that promote individual and collective health and well-being, promote disease prevention and management, improve workplace safety and extend insurance coverage to new segments such as expatriates, students and workers

New problems, new solutions: Solutions to address new technological, social and environmental changes and new related risks, which could include green technologies to reduce the environmental impact of insurance or solutions that help simplify and positively influence people’s lives

Taking part in the program is a fantastic opportunity to supercharge your startup’s success. The selected five startups, narrowed down from the applicants, will have access to:

So what are you waiting for? Apply here today. 

Grupo Ageas Portugal is a subsidiary of Ageas Group, an international insurance group based in Brussels and present in 14 countries in Europe and Asia. Ageas Group has more than 190 years of experience in the provision of life and non-life insurance solutions to millions of private customers and companies.