Tech-driven Israel envoy: ‘My mantra is to build innovation, touch people’s lives’ – BusinessMirror

Sharing an ecosystem of innovation across various sectors and, more importantly, connecting with people top the priority list of the Ambassador of Israel to the Philippines Ilan Fluss.

In a recent visit to the BusinessMirror office, Fluss discussed the efforts of the Israel Embassy to share technological solutions set to benefit Filipinos, including the younger generation.

“We have several programs in Fintech [Financial Technology], app development and start-ups that will help them develop skills up to global standard,” Fluss said. Also cited is the opening in July of The CybersCool Defcon, the first globally-accredited cyber-security school in the Philippines.

According to independent studies, the world faces a global shortage of cyber-security talents as demand for them continues to rise to fight and prevent cyber attacks. The school’s opening comes at a time when Filipinos are plagued by cyber-security concerns, such as receiving scam text messages that bear their personal information like names and addresses.

Science and technology remains one of Israel’s most developed sectors, earning the country several global distinctions. For one, Israel ranked first in the 2022 Digital Quality of Life Index by cyber-security company Surfshark, which factors internet affordability, internet quality, electronic infrastructure, electronic security and electronic government. Meanwhile, the Philippines slid in the same list from 48th last year to 55th this year out of 117 listed countries.

Israel is also recognized as the world leader for start-ups per capita.

Aside from cyber-security and start-ups, Fluss said they are looking to drive innovations in water sustainability, green energy, and digital health, among others.

“I believe that an ambassador should contribute to the relations of two countries, to connect with people,” Fluss said. “Bringing in Israeli technologies goes beyond making business. It’s about touching people’s lives.”