How Innovation Has Changed Breast Augmentation for the Better
Plastic surgery is more popular than ever, thanks in no small part to a change in the way society perceives cosmetic procedures and the many ways they can help people. Another major factor leading to this shift has been technological innovations in the field of plastic surgery that have made cosmetic procedures safer and more readily-available than ever. Breast augmentation surgery has come an especially long way over the last few decades.
The evolution of the breast implant, as well as surgical techniques, has allowed today’s breast augmentation patients more and better options than ever before. Saline and silicone may still be the two primary types of breast implants, but there have been recent advancements in breast implant shape. Teardrop-shaped implants (also known as “Gummy bear” implants) more-closely replicate the contours of a woman’s natural breasts, providing a level of subtle breast enhancement that was previously difficult to achieve with traditional round implants. Round breast implants are still very popular with women who prefer a fuller, more projected look. It’s simply a matter of personal preference and every patient has different goals.
There are more breast implant sizes available today to help patients make a more precise choice when determining the right implants for their needs. Additionally, the introduction of high-strength cohesive (HSC) silicone gel has provided breast augmentation patients with more durable silicone-based implants. Breast implants that use HSC silicone gel are able to remain soft to the touch despite their relative strength and toughness.
In addition to an expansion in the selection of potential breast implants, newer surgical techniques including different incision types and placements can help also patients. Fat transfer injections for the breasts allow patients to enhance their breasts without the need for implants. Fat transfer for the breasts uses the patient’s own fat (safely removed with liposuction) to provide a modest increase in breast volume. Fat transfer can also be used by women who have undergone traditional breast augmentation with implants to further complement the results of their initial procedure.
For women who are considering enhancing their breasts with breast augmentation surgery, choosing an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon who understands the most current surgical options and techniques is a great place to start. In addition to providing the best-possible results from your surgery, your plastic surgeon can help by answering any questions or curiosities you may have in the lead-up to your procedure. At my office, we use TouchMD during breast surgery consultations to help patients visualize all of their potential procedure options. For more information or to schedule a complimentary plastic surgery consultation, please contact me, Dr. David Whiteman, at Southern Plastic Surgery. Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for additional plastic surgery tips, news, videos, and more.