Mutual Learning in Vienna // ZSI – Zentrum für Soziale Innovation

24. Apr 2019

ZSI hosted a Train the Trainer Workshop facilitating exchange of good practices.

Last week, on the 16th of April ZSI hosted a Train the Trainer workshop on good practices in the area of second-chance entrepreneurship policies and programmes. A day later the same event was held in Bratislava hosted by the Union of Slovak Clusters. In the course of the Danube Transnational Interreg project DanubeChance 2.0 project partners from 11 different nations came together with external experts to discuss good practice examples of policies and programmes implemented in the area of second-chance entrepreneurship.

The participants presented different good practices such as policies, legal regulations,  Public-Private-Partnerships (PPP) and private initiatives that target second-chance entrepreneurs directly or that include the need of the target group in their general framework. For example, ZSI invited experts from the aws (Austria wirtschaftsservice) to present their well-established stabilisation programme for SMEs.

After the presentations by the invited experts and project partners, the participants engaged in an interactive workshop format discussing the good practices alongside five dimensions (relevance, impact, sustainability, scalability, transferability). The discussions were used as a basis for selecting the most interesting case studies that will be presented in a brochure which will be available on the project website shortly.