G/O Media’s AI ‘innovation’ is off to a rocky start – The Verge

G/O Media’s AI ‘innovation’ is off to a rocky start - The Verge

The Gizmodo bot’s first story, “A Chronological List of Star Wars Movies & TV Shows,” contained factual errors about the in-universe chronology of the franchise, something fans were quick to point out. James Whitbrook, a deputy editor of io9, where the story appeared, tweeted that he was unaware the article would be published until shortly before. Whitbrook also said that “no one at io9 played a part in its editing or publication.” As of this writing, the original link to the story is returning an error message.

Over on The A.V. Club, a list called “The Biggest Summer Blockbusters of 2003: 10 Can’t-Miss Movies” is credited to the outlet’s bot. The article contains almost no writing or analysis, but its construction suggests that the piece is an attempt to attract cheap search traffic. The piece was also syndicated to Yahoo Entertainment.

The company, which also owns publications like Deadspin, Jezebel, and The Onion, is far from the first media outlet to utilize generative AI software to produce content. From BuzzFeed to CNET, publishers have turned to AI tools to churn out material like explainer articles, quizzes, and lists, selling the pivot by saying machines would not replace human writers but instead would free up staff so they could work on more ambitious projects.

Writers, editors, and other journalists at outlets experimenting with AI tools have pushed back on the encroaching technology, which at times has been deployed with little transparency — and while staffers are laid off and teams gutted. Shortly after announcing its AI initiative, BuzzFeed shuttered its Pulitzer-winning news arm. Employees at CNET recently unionized, saying workers need to have a say in how AI tools are being used at the outlet.