A new initiative to enhance innovation in food and nutrition – EPFL

Switzerland is home to a unique ecosystem in the area of food and nutrition. This is due to its deeply rooted agricultural tradition, an unmatched density of world leading companies and scientific institutions as well as a large number of start-ups in areas such as food, nutrition, life sciences or robotics.

As a result of the intensive collaboration among local players, leading innovation platforms have emerged in Switzerland, including in the areas of nutrition, nutrigenomics, alternative proteins, packaging sciences and sustainable agriculture. With the creation of the Swiss Food & Nutrition Valley, the founding partners aim to strengthen the existing innovation ecosystem further and attract talent, start-ups and investment to the region. The Swiss Food & Nutrition Valley addresses major challenges of the future of food and nutrition using cutting-edge science and technology – from agriculture to waste, from innovative products to healthy, sustainable diets.

The Swiss Food & Nutrition Valley is endorsed by the Swiss Federal Councilor Guy Parmelin, Head of the Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research. The initiative was presented during a visit of the Federal Councilor to Nestlé Research on 11 October 2019. Mr Parmelin stated: “Food production in Switzerland is very close to my heart, both as farmer by training and as minister for economic affairs. I therefore support initiatives like the Swiss Food & Nutrition Valley, where we highlight our Swiss competitive advantages in research, innovation and production.”

“We look forward to collaborating in the Swiss Food & Nutrition Valley to further strengthen research and innovation in an area that is of key importance to Switzerland” stated EPFL president Martin Vetterli.

The initiative will be officially launched in January 2020.